
So guys

simply really

what routes would you recommend? where and why?

Trying to creat a Tick list for my partner to play with.. Lakes, Peaks and Dales(may be snowdonia) She has a Freelander TD4(2005)

Looking forward to the suggestions.

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So guys

simply really

what routes would you recommend? where and why?

Trying to creat a Tick list for my partner to play with.. Lakes, Peaks and Dales(my be snowdonia) She has a Freelander TD4(2005)

Looking forward to the suggestions.


I would recommend going to Llanerchindda farm , staying there and using their knowledge to try out the lanes around there, but not solo.
Oh, and join GLASS. Use the local area rep to help you out.

Thank you for your reply and will have a look at mentioned area.. As to GLASS I have made my thoughts clear on that(sorry).. Also neither myself or Partner use FaceArse... I never have and ahe recently deleted her profile due to what they do with your data...So thats out too...Happy to play with folks though just not using GLASS and FA...
First, I'm South Yorkshire Glass rep, but I won't pass on lane information without either knowing you or having seen how you drive, where you go etc through the forum. I'd suggest join Glass, or a local club that runs green lane outings as being the easiest source.

Having said that, have a look here .. Green Lanes and how to find them ...

PS .. Just read that again and it's time it was updated a bit .. 2007! Jeez. Mostly still relevant I guess though.
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Thank you for you response...First option (GLASS) is out the window so unless we happened to bump into each other guess we will never have a chat etc... I have explained why NO to GLASS in another thread. Anyway as we hopefully soon be leave SY area local group may not be an option...Now Maps...Yep we have done that and I am inregular touch with various area BYWAYs officers so knowing when and where to go is not an issue.. More a question what lanes are suitable etc...

So a lane that is a little challenging,where our impact would be minimal, and will not cause issue or aggrivate any on going issues(lack the Jacobs ladder one)

Not to hard to offer advise....
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Thank you for you response...First option (GLASS) is out the window so unless we happened to bump into each other guess we will never have a chat etc... I have explained why NO to GLASS in another thread. Anyway as we hopefully soon be leave SY area local group may not be an option...No Maps...Yep we have done that and I am inregular touch with various area BYWAYs officers so knowing when to go is not an issue.. More a questio what lanes are suitable etc...

So a lane that is a little challenging,where our impact would be minimal, and will not cause issue or aggrivate any on going issues(lack the Jacobs ladder one)

Not to hard to offer advise....

No worries, enjoy yourselves ...
I would recommend joining GLASS.

I don't know the first thing about finding green lanes (yet) but I could join GLASS, pay my fee and go and drive willy-nilly over the countryside. And when challenged by yourself, proclaim 'fear not my good man, I am a member of GLASS!' Having not researched routes or took any advice at all from the organisation.

Therefore making GLASS look like tw*ts and myself a bigger one.

Which is what I think has probably happened in your prior experiences with GLASS 'members'.

You live in Sheffield. @Paul D Is south Yorkshire glass rep. Representative, not mere member! And he rightly stated he wouldnt give any info to someone he didnt 'know'. If you were a member, all the info/advice you need would be available and if it was wrong or innacurate you would have a much better plarform to challenge them.

I think it would be a crying shame if you let your experiences of those who proclaimed to be members of GLASS driving off piste put you off from a massive resource of information and advice. :)
Thank you for your reply and will have a look at mentioned area.. As to GLASS I have made my thoughts clear on that(sorry).. Also neither myself or Partner use FaceArse... I never have and ahe recently deleted her profile due to what they do with your data...So thats out too...Happy to play with folks though just not using GLASS and FA...

It is a long standing agreement not to post lane locations on the forum.

GLASS is an excellent organisation, and without their work there would be no lanes driveable at all by now.

So unless you want to drive alone, and maybe cause upset and damage, I suggest you follow the suggestions above^^^, and contact your GLASS rep for assistance. Paul is a good guy, and will sort you out.
Thank you for your response...If my experience had been a simply one off I would agree with you.. But s far has happened 1x dales 2x peaks and 2x lakes.. And happened when have been out there as both Jo public and as a Proffessional......

Anyway whilst I DO understand peoples stance ours will still stand...

As to the secretitive nature of not revealing a lane I don't understand!!! I thought this section of the forum was for the purpose of point folks down the right lane and not joining or pushing people to join an org.....

So please could we take this thread back to what the purpose was and not to blame or dirty some one or an org.
Thank you for your response...If my experience had been a simply one off I would agree with you.. But s far has happened 1x dales 2x peaks and 2x lakes.. And happened when have been out there as both Jo public and as a Proffessional......

Anyway whilst I DO understand peoples stance ours will still stand...

As to the secretitive nature of not revealing a lane I don't understand!!! I thought this section of the forum was for the purpose of point folks down the right lane and not joining or pushing people to join an org.....

So please could we take this thread back to what the purpose was and not to blame or dirty some one or an org.

I don't think anyone suggested blame, except for you, who said you disliked GLASS, and Facebook. Personally, I agree about Facebook, but it is not necessary to have involvement with them to join GLASS.

The reason lane locations are never posted is that we do not know you from Adam, and so we could direct you to a lane which you would go on to abuse.
It is a long standing agreement not to post lane locations on the forum.

GLASS is an excellent organisation, and without their work there would be no lanes driveable at all by now.

So unless you want to drive alone, and maybe cause upset and damage, I suggest you follow the suggestions above^^^, and contact your GLASS rep for assistance. Paul is a good guy, and will sort you out.
Thank you for your suggestion but as I already am in contact with byways officers that part is covered, I work and play in pretty much all NPA's and work with those authorities to promote the areas through work.. The question was about suitablity for the mention person,experience and vehical....

I don't doubt Paul is a good guy but we do reserve the right to not join a group of be pushed into joining a group(which is what this feels it has become). Simple advise was what was asked but seems will not beforth coming...
Thank you for your suggestion but as I already am in contact with byways officers that part is covered, I work and play in pretty much all NPA's and work with those authorities to promote the areas through work.. The question was about suitablity for the mention person,experience and vehical....

I don't doubt Paul is a good guy but we do reserve the right to not join a group of be pushed into joining a group(which is what this feels it has become). Simple advise was what was asked but seems will not beforth coming...

You have been advised. But for some reason, have chosen not to listen to our suggestions.
No one here is trying to blame or dirty you. You asked for advice, lanes aren't posted publicly on this forum (someone may well come along and p.m you a few ideas, which is fair enough) so the people who responded so far have advised...

You could find a few lanes you think you might like to try via local ROW officer then float them on here for suitability, which I understand was the purpose of your original post
Would that not then possible be the same as/no different

"The reason lane locations are never posted is that we do not know you from Adam, and so we could direct you to a lane which you would go on to abuse"

thus allowing others you'd rather not venture down a lane that was previously kept quiet and then abuse it??
See the issue here...

Also in response to "No one here is trying to blame or dirty you." That was not in reference to myself... just been read that way.

It would seem we will disagree regardless so may be best to lock thread or delete it....
For a start,

It would help whoever you get advise from if they know the following

Are you driving solo?
IS your vehicle modified for greenlane driving , if so how?
DO you have much experience driving off tarmac?
Do you carry survival kit in your vehicle?
Do you know how to self recovery?
Do you mind getting your vehicle damaged?
Do paint scratches bother you?
Do you know what all the off road 4x4 features do on your vehicle?


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