thats bull****. How is it just a personal interest, surely he is prejudiced?
May his vehicles get stuck somewhere and no one tow him out :D

EDIT - I wonder what his personal transport actually is? Oh, the irony if it was a Landy or other 4x4
Give it some time and the fooker could have charges, or a lawsuit filed against them for illegal closure or something along those lines. And maybe some lanes reopened. As they say Pandora's Box has been opened. More pressure needs to be applied to them and kept in the media. Just imagine the pressure that will be on them after the 2 Land rover magnizens run a article about them.

Maybe there needs to been a online petition for the removal of all board members and a new board elected from a cross section of users for there is a fair decision making policy.
Like equal members from interests of walker,horse, Bicycles, and laners.

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