
New Member
Well i have started to fit the Disco engine and i found a chap who owns "Steve Parkers Land Rover Converstions" he has started a Buisness doing nothing but Converstions fo all sorts of motors...And guess what he does the Disco converstions and the main pain the arse ...the Down pipe ,..look at this peice of Art below.....

I told him my tale of Woe with being ripped and he rang me back and spent an hour telling me what to do and what trix to watch for as he has just done his 90 to Diso converstion!!!

He also does all converstion pipes compleate!!

He didnt even go funny when i said all i wanted at this stage was the Down pipe, he does all pipes and written instructions ..

He also gave me some things what to look out for like Bell Housing is already countersunk for extra studs on Disco Housing..Just Drill and Bolt!!

Also the slave cylinder from Clutch to remove hose and move over to avoid Heat from down pipe!!

He is going to produce a leaflet on the Dsico Converstion soon!!

Any way it cost me £105.00 for down pipe and yes i know expensive but when you think of the trouble of Fabricating one its a Blessing!!


This is the Turbo i De Greased and painted today...


Well i am shot down in falmes again the bastard sent me a 300TDI manifold and Turbo!!

So again i cannot fit Disco Engine i was felling fine this morning when i gace the Serial number to Craddocks and they said yep Disco 200 TDI ..Not the downlet manifold is differant but it buts up to the block fine....???

The 200TDI faces the other way"""""...He must of knew this when sending me the Turbo that it was a 300TDI what kind of people was i dealing with Robbers!!

So no Turbo and Manifold = No Engine=No transport...

Does anyone have a Disco 200TDI UNIT FOR SALE??,,,If so cheap please i will have to borrow the money from somwere???

Or has somone got a 200TDI Turbo and manifold they want to swap for (TWO 300TDI TURBOS AND MANIFOLDS).
Thats nowt me R1 sat in the Kitchen Diner..Little ramp into kitchen drive across to hard wood floor in lounge ..sit down admire!!!

She loves it in fact she encourages it..

Wife swap anyone....hey we could have some fun here,,,,,lol..

Well got a bit further i have located a 200TDI manifold /Turbo..and i have removed stud from Disco Housing and placed in the Engine bay and low and behold it fits like a good womens breast in ya hand...

Getting all pullys tommorow and oil rocker cap..and bits and bobs hoses etc for intercooler

Anyone know a local shop for the above near Nuneaton area waricks???

Hey Land Rover are on a make haste i went to our local dealeship..(As no were near me otherwise i would have not!!!,to get a (Oil feed pipe from by the oil filter to Rad),
And i walk into the Landy Showroom with oily hands and Face ..Shock Horror ..they coudlnt get me ursherd out quick enough...lol..Bloody Snobs!!

Then i finally found the Parts Department and the same: That will cost £67.00 Sir for ONE!!, and if you come back tommorow i will identify it properley as i dont have time today!!!,,I said a few choice words and left.
When i get to the Car i had forgot my keys and went back He pushed my Oily Keys over the counter with a leaflet..Cheeky Bugger...

Anyway i went down the Road to a place i kew just on the off chance and they Fabricated one for £10.00!!!, Just shows ya what Landrover are making for a pipe which probally cost about a £1.00 to make,and it fits!!

Anyway all i need now is somone to hold the Hoist in place as i tried to mate up to Bell Housing and as i put my foot on the pully it would cause the Hoist to move back not allowing me to get close enough..Guess what the Misses is doing tommorow morning!!...lol..

I should have the Block in and Bolted up tommorow and then onto little bits and bobs..

Is my Luck Turning???..Shushhhhhhhhhh...might be too soon..
Soryy to drivell on but felt good to get somewere if only to bolt in Engine to place...She nearley Lives again said Frankinstien!!
Well done matey!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

All Land Rover Deralers are stuck up gits!!!!

If you aint got a motor less than 5 years old then they look down there noses at you!!!!

I went into my local dealers a few weeks ago, for some new nuts and bolts to fit the bullbar onto my disco, (old ones were removed with a hot spanner!!!!), anyway, on my way out through the showroom a salesman jumped me and tried to sell me a new discovery, he also mentioned that he had taken the liberty of getting a value on my part exchange vehicle!

Well heres where the trouble started, you see I had'nt gone in my trusty old disco, infact i was in my nearly new Saab Turbo, MY COMPANY CAR!!!!! After telling the sales manager what a prize prat his salesman was, I left to return the next day for my parts.

The following afternoon, I walked into the showroom in my old overall's and boots, You could have cut the air with a knife!!!!!
lol........I reckon Land Rover will price them self out of the Market the way they are going and go bust..

They seem to forget the pesants like us..

Glad ya gave em stick mate i had that reception it felt very uncomfortable ..They look at me with Horror as i walked in We parked right outside in the misses 1997 Fourtrack next to the new Range Rover on sale...Dont want to scratch it now....
PMSL !!!!!!

Im not being flash but, truth is i can afford a new Land Rover, Discovery or even a Range Rover, simple fact is, I like my old girl, She does what i want her to do, The new stuff is nice but, all those electronics and computers!!!!

If my old disco breaks down then i know that with a ball of string and a big hammer i can get home!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Thats it mate thats what this is about....

People loose touch with the old ways and fixing things for them self and buy throw away toys!!!

Generation being third one!!
Right chaps i could now do with some links to shops with Somes sports cylcone Hoses to finish off project ..being a picky buuger Yellow ons if ya see any??
5 years or younger land rover?? you gotta be kidding. the sg dealership is so stuck up that they think i can't even afford one when i turned up in my t shirt, bermudas and sandals. not to mention i've a 3 yr old td5 d90 when i pull up into the lot, before which i had a 32 yr old SIII.

these stuck up buggers are going to kill the land rover name in no time. oh, have you heard their default answers to problems that arise during warranty??

"They are all like that..."

anyway, the disco engine looks really nice sitting in there.

Nice one mate..

Yea bur i suppose thier will be Little Lord from the Manor who buys em New!!

Anyway i am now looking fo another help ...as in somone who owns a Disco 200TDI so i can look under the Bonnet to see wer all these bloody hoses andFuel pipes go????:confused:

Any one accomadate??
Turbo comes Friday so not far away,also does anyone know if my 2.5TD Air Filter will mate up tp 200TDI Pipes etc?
yer talking about pricing them selves out the market try this for size..landrover dealer wanted 17squid for a litre of gl4 g/box oil..count up how much you need for axles,boxes and what ever else and then guess if i bought it there of went elsewheres.
Eh up chaps whould it be ok to fit KN Filter and would this be ok rarther than Air box not knowing alot about air??

I ask as it would save having to re pipe as Disco Air fittings diferant to 2.5TD i had in 90?
Also i have got a Viscous Fan from2.5TD would this do for 200TDI as it fits and also how do they work anyway being Dumb!!
Then i need to know would Alternator of 2.5TD fit 200TDI Block and Power steering pump fit as well if not what mods could i do as the pennys are short at the min?
Well finally got a Discovery 200TDI today so on with the de grease mate it up to block then fit down pipe converstion kit bobs ya uncle ..he says!!

Then all i have to do now is re build up lower mouting brackets to site Intercooler and Rad as the Discovery ones are higher and they sit too proud of the front bonnet so i have had to cut the brackets off with cole chisle..!!! and i will either re mount them at a reduced height or drill directley into chassie cross member and place rubber grommits in place to accmadate both.
This is the worst bit in last line of alterations to take Disco engine ,,so buyers beware make sure ya get a Dfender or hope you enjoy doing the Mods as i have.

I have learnt a bit from my mistakes and already have some knowledeg having learnt from my Farther at an early age!!

I have then to fit hoses and fuel pipes..maze that it is when ya have not sen one in situ and then empty old oil and fit Oil filter and get Engine flush and nice new Oil an prey to God it fires up with no faults.

I nearley forgot i have had to use my 2.5TD Viscous Fan and guess what when i tried to fit it as i turned it ...It catched the tips on the power steering unit...Laugh i nearley committed suicide..so i trimmed a Mil of all the edges of all the Fans and it works..:)
Glad to hear the men in white coats aint took you away just yet!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

An engine roaring into life is like the cry of a new born baby!!! The birds will sing, Cats will meow, Dogs will bark, and your neighbours will say,, What the BL**DY H*LL WAS THAT!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Keep up the good work matey (and sod the neighbours)!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D
He He..oops

If you have read my posts i would go to them but i have been ripped off with an engine and i am also long term sick from work with Ankle damage so i am Pennyless and i am relying on somone wanting my spares to trade or buy!!

Its horirible being broke so if ya know anyone who wants to trade i have Two 300TDI Outlet manifolds worth about £300 a/ Rad 2.5TD /A Bull bar


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