
Active Member
Snows here and my 4wd is 2wd and its way too cold to lay under motors refitting props.:eek: My how I laughed at the ol Freebie struggling for grip up the hill this morning!:D

Its going to happen isn't it. The Freelander is going to get stuck and towed out by a Ka or suchlike!:( :eek: :D
You lucky lucky man Taipan. Not a drop of snow here.

Did you not check the VCU using the white line method (Taipan method)

Still, means you can hand brake the hippo like a normal 2wd car in the snow LOL
You lucky lucky man Taipan. Not a drop of snow here.

Did you not check the VCU using the white line method (Taipan method)

Still, means you can hand brake the hippo like a normal 2wd car in the snow LOL

Not that lucky. I'm on a motorbike the wife has the car!:D I took the prop assembly off to eliminate that side of things whilst searching for teh cause of teh vibration. The car drove so much better in 2wd I left it like that with the intention of refitting it for winter. And err well err here we are:eek:

Hmmm handbrake slides huh. I wonder if I coudl hang the arse end out using the handbrake and let mere mortals think I was power sliding it.:cool:

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