
New Member
here in norwich we have had a whopping 6" of snow and for me having a smug look on my face as i drive past stranded cars and miserable 2wd motorists in my landrover disco is priceless
We got a flutter in colchester but nowt to worry about, its got bloody cold though and the melted snow has turned to ice, spinning up in the defender outside my house, lethal ice out there! Was still -5 at mid day which is a lot lower than we usually get so hopefully comes fridays snow it will stay around for a bit so I can go play.
it was minus 12 last night at norwich airport so hoping for more as the site i work on is closed till monday due to health and safety reasons, we english are rubbish when it comes to bad weather
Started to snow at 3.00
Still snowing at 5.00
There was a massive tailback on the railway bridge because people couldn't get over the thing so I took the level crossing :)
I like it 'cos its fun and i make money do 'extreme weather recovery' at work, basically towing stuff out with my defender and the spec...

As above, but i don't make money from the recoveries. But i did make £20 last year in donations :)
I ent that far from you and we got fook all, bout half an inch - bah. Supposed to snow more this weekend, but I doubt it will really snow (properly)

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