Def west ender

New Member
Pulled 2 big vans that got stuck after sliding off the road, made me feel all good inside.

still some nutters hairing around at top wack tho, stoppings not too easy!
Been charging the local toffs £5 a go to tow them off their driveways and onto the main road.
Dont know how far they were getting after that but I've made £75 in an hour and a half this morning.
Enough to fill my tank and er indoors car.
Got no other work at the moment so making the most of it.
Been charging the local toffs £5 a go to tow them off their driveways and onto the main road.
Dont know how far they were getting after that but I've made £75 in an hour and a half this morning.
Enough to fill my tank and er indoors car.
Got no other work at the moment so making the most of it.
more than paid for my petrol today!:cool:
But seriously, aren't you worried about the speed that non 4wd cars are going? I've just come back from Morrisons at a safe speed although the abs was twitching when even touching the brake gently - sheet ice - and the Freelander's abs proved it (used the Freelander 2 as Series III just not so safe in this weather!). I have had boy racers in Clios, Subarus and Hondas passing me going the other way. We all want some fun. But as all landy owners know safety comes first. Right?
Yep your right, even 4x4s need to stop and theyre twice as heavy.Slow and steady is the way.Seen plenty of plebs out today.But if they crash n get stuck i can always tow em for some readys!
well the mercs ive towed this morning werent in drifts or owt.One of them was stuck in the local hospital car park and had his missus pushing in her fur coat.Should have got a pic of that!
What the ?*c@ do I want a pic of a fur coat for? Had a Beemer once... wouldn't even move if it snowed. RWD crap. Heavy and useless in the ice. Mercs were worse. Saw them drifting all day long... (lived on a hill in Surrey). Wish I had 'phone with camera then!
What the ?*c@ do I want a pic of a fur coat for? Had a Beemer once... wouldn't even move if it snowed. RWD crap. Heavy and useless in the ice. Mercs were worse. Saw them drifting all day long... (lived on a hill in Surrey). Wish I had 'phone with camera then!

If you know what you are doing they can be as good as a landy in snow.

Rear wheel drive + rear wheel handbrake= Traction control;)
Hens have stayed indoors all day. P'raps they've more sense that we thought...

By the way Ratty, has the missus a fur coat???

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