On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 19:03:32 +0000 (UTC), in
<cbn5m4$d6h$1@hercules.btinternet.com>, "Graham Naismith"
<graham.naismith@btopenworld.com> wrote:

>Don't know if this is allowed but can't see any FAQ posting to say not.
>Please ignore if I am breaking any rules.

try reading the ebay terms and conditions


"I teleported home one night, With Ron and Sid and Meg,
Ron stole Meggie's heart away, And I got Sidney's leg. "

"Graham Naismith" <graham.naismith@btopenworld.com> wrote in message
> Don't know if this is allowed but can't see any FAQ posting to say not.
> Please ignore if I am breaking any rules. Link to ebay listing for snow
> chains for Freelander. Surrey area (collection advisable!).
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7908005987
> Many thanks
> Graham Naismith

Maybe not the ideal time of year to be selling these? :eek:)


On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 19:03:32 +0000 (UTC), in
<cbn5m4$d6h$1@hercules.btinternet.com>, "Graham Naismith"
<graham.naismith@btopenworld.com> wrote:

>Don't know if this is allowed but can't see any FAQ posting to say not.
>Please ignore if I am breaking any rules.

try reading the ebay terms and conditions


"I teleported home one night, With Ron and Sid and Meg,
Ron stole Meggie's heart away, And I got Sidney's leg. "

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