
New Member
:) Evening folks , this is my second post as i am very much a newcomer to this site however i have question that may have been asked on many occassion,but i have started so i'll finish. I am about to collect a 2003 TD5 and for no other reason than looks i would like to fit a high level air intake. Will i get a sharp intake of breath from my insurers and gnashing of teeth or is there an acceptable way of informing them without them automatically thinking i am about to cross the Atlantic in a Defender ?
depends who your with. tesco and the like wont know what your talking about and class it as a mod of some kind.

if your with lancaster, adrian flux, footman james etc. then they wont be bothered in the slightest. its almost mandatory on a landy!

Got to be a Safari Snorkel (just cos i'm buying one lol)
Adrian Flux says no problem as long as they are told about mods.
I'm with griffdowg. I got a mantec snorkel on mine. I am with equity insurance and they accept that landrovers are all altered in some way so as long as it is not an engine performance enhancemnt it doesn't cost me anything extra. I just ring em to tell em what I have done and they add it to the list.:D

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