
Happy New year guys and gals...I have a slight problem...while changing the water pump,I have snapped the 13mm bolt that holds the tensioner. There is about 7/8 mm protruding from the block. Any ideas on how to remove this please. See the images below...thanks people 20220103_130055.jpg 20220103_130044.jpg
As it's seized in the block, removing it isn't going to be easy. Maybe you can weld a nut to the broken section, which will heat it up, and give you something to turn.
That’s exactly what I was about to suggest. The heat from the welder normally frees it off completely and it unscrews effortlessly.
Make sure you don’t get weld splatter inside the engine though.
Ok guys..i feel such a bellend...after three hours of passing about trying various ways...I decided to welly an old socket onto the stud..and it started to spin...yeah I thought...then it dawned on me...I've only been trying to remove the locater stud for the water pump..not the broken bolt...DOH!!!! So I used my new discovered knowledge and did the same to the real broken bolt...and hey presto it practically fell out....

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