
New Member
Hi All,
I have just joined and need a bit of advice please.
My water pump decided to leak the other day and my engine got very warm "Not Boiling because I stopped quick".
Since then when I first start up after its been parked up overnight it smokes for about two minutes. Its blue oil smoke.
When its warmed up its perfect as before. I have replaced the leaking water pump and fitted a new thermostat.
Many Thanks.
I'm not a TD4 owner but there's plenty of threads on this if you search the bar by your name at the top of the page :)
As Brack says....Use the search facility and also get over to the "Introduce Yourself" section. You will find you will get a lot more replies if you follow the correct etiquette on here.

you could have possible cooked the valve oil seals which after parking up for a few hours oil would find its way down through the valve and into the bore

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