Happy Jack

Basically I have converted my petrol 88 to diesil using a rebuilt 2.25 engine. I fitted new injectors, glow plugs, fuel injector pipes, filter and pipework. The guy who sold me the engine explaned how he had puched two dots on the pump prior to removal so that the pump could realign with the marker point on the oil filler pipe. I spent ages bleeding the system starting with the filter, pump and injectors and spill pipe. Two flat batteries later and she eventually burst into life. Initally it sounded as if the engine was only firing on one cylinder but I went for **** or bust and kept it turning over for about 90 seconds before it started.

The situation currently-engine eventually starts but pumps out white smoke. Turns darker when you put your foot down. Appears a bit lumpy and sounds like its onlyrunning on three cylinders. I have bought another second hand inj pump which is marginally better.

I have spent most of today trying to sort this out. I have slackened off the three bolts securing the pump and have moved the pump mm at a time clockwise and anticlockwise and have now got the engine ticking over but still pumping out white smoke. I have checked with the guy who rebuilt the engine and he confirms that the valve timing was absolutely spot on with new timing chain etc. I took the rocker cover off and checked that No 1 cylinder valves were as they should be against the marks on the flywheel and corresponding position of the vertical gear for the pump. This is making my head ache now. Am I going mad? (no I am mad!) Any ideas and suggestions gratefully received.

Cheers. Mike.

Originally posted on leafers forum. Thx for advice received (and followed)
There was a similar question on here a few weeks ago.


The drive mechanism between the camshaft and the injector pump can get very worn out which results in the timing becoming retarded. I've heard from a diesel specialist that it's quite common to file the three slots even to the extent that slot is filed right through one side of the flange, in order to get the timing right. I was advised by this specialist (who used to recondition these pumps for Lucas) to set the timing by hand by finding a compromise between smoke and diesel knock.

I'm waiting for somebody to tell you to bin the engine and get a tdi, which I suppose is quite tempting as you can pick them up so cheap these days, but I'm sticking with my 2 1/4.
ya not going mad how you feel is part and package with owning a series landy, always read the small print first, get your spanners around the pump. loosen all injector pipes on the pump and injectors, get your pry bar ready, but first get a marker pen and mark the pump and the case where you line it up to time it, start the engine and put it on a fast tickover now slacken the securing bolts on the pump, get your pry bar in the slot and turn the pump, you are looking at maybe 1mm if that but you should hear the change in engine noise, you will know soon enough if you have gone to far the engine will start surging and racing, give it a try, if this fails there is to much free play in the drive cogs i have spares here if you want them, all so check your lift pump as some times this can if not working properly can give the same problems, email me bac good luck,
correction on last reply tighten pipes up before running after you move the pump, the pipes should be undone just enough to take the presure off the pipes when you turn the pump
Thanks for the responses thus far. Next day off is Monday. Spanners will be out again. Expect an update. Many thanks. Mike.
There was a similar question on here a few weeks ago.


The drive mechanism between the camshaft and the injector pump can get very worn out which results in the timing becoming retarded. I've heard from a diesel specialist that it's quite common to file the three slots even to the extent that slot is filed right through one side of the flange, in order to get the timing right. I was advised by this specialist (who used to recondition these pumps for Lucas) to set the timing by hand by finding a compromise between smoke and diesel knock.

I'm waiting for somebody to tell you to bin the engine and get a tdi, which I suppose is quite tempting as you can pick them up so cheap these days, but I'm sticking with my 2 1/4.

Mate I already realise I shouldnt have gone down this route. The Tdi would by far have been the best option. Still if I didnt have acsense of humour and an obsessive desire to get my hands dirty I guess I wouldnt have a Landrover!
Still if I didnt have acsense of humour and an obsessive desire to get my hands dirty I guess I wouldnt have a Landrover!

Sounds like the spirit of a proper Series Landie driver :)

Might be worth getting a compression test done if it souds like it is running on 3 cylinders. White smoke could be head gasket, and would backup the sounding like its on 3 cylinders....but then it could be a variety of different things!
Mate I already realise I shouldnt have gone down this route. The Tdi would by far have been the best option. Still if I didnt have acsense of humour and an obsessive desire to get my hands dirty I guess I wouldnt have a Landrover!

Most people seem to hate those 2 1/4 diesels. I bought a SIII military ambulance with one fitted and it was pouring out clouds of smoke, running like utter ****e, and took about 15 turns to get it going. After a few hours tinkering with the glow plug wiring and adjusting the timing it now starts on the first turn even below 0, it still smokes on startup but clears almost completely after a minute. It doesn't run as well as a diesel engine designed in the 80s like a 200 Tdi or a transit engine, but don't forget the 2 1/4 design dates from the 50's.

Fitting a non standard engine can be a major pain in the ass.
Sounds like the spirit of a proper Series Landie driver :)

Might be worth getting a compression test done if it souds like it is running on 3 cylinders. White smoke could be head gasket, and would backup the sounding like its on 3 cylinders....but then it could be a variety of different things!

I bought the engine having had a complete rebuild, new pistons and rebore etc. It seems to have plenty of compression but I havent discounted trhe head gasket theory, even though I have had it running very much. I am tempted to take the head off and have a look. From what I can see in the replies patience is a key component and moving the pump 1mm a time has got to be the next step. Will keep you posted Monday. Cheers M
Happy New Year. So far so good! I disconnected the ballast resistor (correctly wired as per diagram but the plugs didnt warm up at all) and she now fires up almost straightway after 5-10 seconds of heat. Changed the lift pump, fitted new injectors and tightened up all of the pipework. Doesnt smoke on tickover now but pumps out black smoke an acceleration only. Overfueling? Seems sluggish-but its a 2.25! Do I countinue trying to rotate the pump to try to get the best position? Advice gratefully received. Cheers.
If it's not pumping out clouds of grey/blue smoke on tickover or at other engine speeds when it's not under load then I'd be happy with it. No harm playing with the timing though as long as you mark the current position where it's all working fairly well.

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