
New Member
Hi All

I running a 2.5 n/a diesel engine seams to be in fairly good condition no leaks etc

When i am on full throttle in (any gear) there is a constant stream of a blue to black smoke coming out (on tick over there is hardy anything )

Should i just put this down to just being a old diesel engine, or can anyone give me some advice on what could be the problem and how i could solve it eg injectors maybe ??

Many thanks all
New air filter and run some injector cleaner through it. If it's still bad, could be a bit more serious.
hi mate
I have done that it has a new filter and has had redex run through loads

Any other ideas ??? anyone please
Could be your injection timing out. Try backing off the fuelling and see if the smoke dies down. If the power goes down a lot, this could be it. Pos is the chap to speak to about this...

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