Hi all

I've just bought a RR vogue se 2018 from a local dealership and noticed that after going on a 30 minute drive there was smoke coming from the front, I popped the hood and it was originating from the passenger side by the windscreen near the back of the plastic cover (right side at the back as you're looking into the engine bay) do you guys have any ideas what might be causing this? I've got a vid of this if that helps, I called lr and they suggested to call the assistance number but then the smoke dissipated so didnt bother ... I thought nothing of it but its happened again tonight when I pulled up at home I noticed smoke coming from the front where the lights were shining in the dark so could see it, I then lifted the lid but couldn't see anything.. BTW its got 4000 miles on the clock and was an ex demonstrator... Thanks, Den

It's a tdv6 automatic..


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It looked like it was a bit deeper than just under the plastic panel though...again, I'm no mechanic so couldn't really tell you...
Hard to remember...i think it smelled a oily...but then again not sure what a sweet oil smells like... Is that an easy fix if it's valve cover??
Dennis, the vast majority of people here drive and maintain LRs that are, shall we say....outside their warranty.
LR used to build vehicles that were designed to be driven all over the world and fixed in the field on a DIY basis. Electronics make that increasingly difficult and for many on here even the TD5 engine is highly suspect as it has an ECU. Modern LRs have more computers than you can shake a stick at and require highly sophisticated workshop facilities to diagnose and fix faults. They are no longer designed to be DIY friendly so it is not surprising that no one is still typng at this time familiar with your engine. Moreover, smoke is very likely to be electrical in origin and with a vehicle as dependant upon electronics as yours, smoke coming from somewhere under the covers to the back of the engine could be from anything. Very few who are not professional LR specialists will have the intimate knowledge of your engine that you are looking for, and even they would take a look under the covers and plug in a diagnostic computer before even guessing what the source might be.
Si, thanks for taking the time to respond to my question, I'm maybe 10 years too early for this forum, I just thought that you guys might have a rough idea on what it might have been so I don't get a load of jargon from the dealership as to why its happening... As I'm understandably concerned enough to be posting at this unearthly hour as well as being actually interested in your opinions. Thanks anyway for your time. Den
Si, thanks for taking the time to respond to my question, I'm maybe 10 years too early for this forum, I just thought that you guys might have a rough idea on what it might have been so I don't get a load of jargon from the dealership as to why its happening... As I'm understandably concerned enough to be posting at this unearthly hour as well as being actually interested in your opinions. Thanks anyway for your time. Den
Load of jargon is what dealers do bestest. We cannot absolve you of that folly.

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