
New Member
Hi All,

I'm Jason, from Birmingham (UK) and I have a Disco 2 v8.

The car doesn't get used all that much these days, its a second car thankfully. It's spent most of this year sitting on the drive and not really doing too much due to a few gremlins under the surface - I'm really looking for some help to get her running again. I've tried a couple of the Facebook groups, but it seems they're mostly interested in telling people the biggest tyres you can fit without modifying the vehicle... I'm not really into that just yet.

It started earlier this year, where the indicators ceased working, then the rear wiper and then the car wouldn't start. I since purchased a Hawkeye Total on the premise that it is a complete system that's able to diagnose and repair almost all faults with these cars. I guess I'm struggling with the only thing that the Hawkeye can't do!

Following recommendations, I had the BCU sent off for diagnosis and it came back OK, it was simply "locked". I've since discovered the internal fuse box was probably the route of my issues, so I've found a good one and replaced it. Hurrah, everything that didn't work before, now works! (I'm not sure there was actually anything wrong with the BCU to be honest, and wish i'd have saved myself nearly £200 by swapping the fuse box first, but you live and learn!)

I have the error message of P1672 Immobiliser - Incorrect code value not plausible.
The engine is "trying" to start, IE it bursts into life for a split second and then dies when I'm guessing the immobiliser kicks in.
The guy I sent the BCU off to said the Hawkeye has the facility to "relearn" the immobiliser code. But I cant find the option anywhere. I've also found a couple of threads stating something similar, but it's most definitely not there... I'm wondering if it was in a previous version?

I'm looking for some suggestions, as short of taking it to a dealer i'm not sure what to do. I'd rather not pay the dealer charges, for them to turn around and tell me my wheel bearing needs replacing, or something as equally unrelated. I've already spent £700 on the car this year without actually using it, unfortunately i'm too far in to turn around and back out, but i'm aware it's going to cost more to get it going again. I really just want to hear my v8 roar again...
I have the impression that Hawkeye can't resync the immobiliser to the key using the short code on the label inside the fob. Nanocom can do this. Whereabouts in Brum are you?
I have the impression that Hawkeye can't resync the immobiliser to the key using the short code on the label inside the fob. Nanocom can do this. Whereabouts in Brum are you?
I think you might be right! A few places on the net have said the Hawkeye has the ability to "learn" the ECU and BCU connection, but I think they might be lying.
I'm over in the B31 area, Northfield.
Mine will not even start if the immobiliser is on , what is the little red light on the dash doing?

Have a read of the alarm attachment here.


Handy information, cheers! I've saved them all for future reference.
The red light is doing exactly what I'd expect it to do. Flashing slowly when it's been left u locked for a while and stops when the key is inserted.
I guess I'll need someone with a Nanocom or a proper dealer system.
I had a look on the first reply, the LZIR map, but the ones around me just specify diagbositic, so I'll see about messaging a few of them and see if they can help.
In all fairness, had the car over 5 years now and it's been faultless (more or less) up until this!
I think you might be right! A few places on the net have said the Hawkeye has the ability to "learn" the ECU and BCU connection, but I think they might be lying.
It can but only for diesel engine, your's being V8 a nanocom unlocked for the V8 engine is necessary cos the "learn security code" function is in the EMS menu so if you ask for help from nanocom owners specify that you need one unlocked for V8 ...or if you know the EKA code remobilise it with EKA then somebody with a Td5 nanocom can help by disabling the alarm/immobiliser in the BCU that's all you can do
Hi Fery.

Does a Nanocom 1 need to be unlocked for V8? I'm not too far from the OP and have one but my car is a Td5.....
Hi Ian, yes, unfurtunately the OP needs a V8 one... unless he knows the EKA then the BCU comunicates with any D2 nanocom jujst the engine ECU doesnt
Cheers guys. I do know the EKA (I've managed to get it from the Hawkeye when having a play with that).
Disabling the alarm / immob doesn't really phase me too much. The car will generally be left at home with another car parked behind it overnight, so security isn't a huge issue... Not like it's a defender!
I guess it will be something I can re-enable at a later date when i either get a Nanocom specific for this car, or find someone with one?
So presumably you can disable the immobiliser with your hawkeye until such time as you have the appropriate diagnostic kit - at least that will get you mobile.
Yes remobilise it with the EKA, go into BCU pprogramming and set to no alarm and no immobiliser then it will be OK...though i'm wondering how did you read the EKA with hawkeye cos afaik it can't do that
Right, so I've not really managed to get anywhere with this after a couple of hours this morning.
The EKA i picked up from the Hawkeye, i think was actually a "Security Code" for something else - It did not work after following the instructions in the link a few posts up.
When I sent the BCU off for "repair", that came back with a sheet of paper with an EKA differing to the one I already had, that didn't work either.

The only options for switching off the immobiliser i have, are "no passive immobilisation" and a few surrounding the sounding of the alarm. I don't think I can actually turn the immobiliser off with the Hawkeye.

I've contacted the person who I sent the BCU off to for some advise, but i'm beginning to feel like he isn't too interested in helping as I've already paid him. Too much IMO (Nearly £200!), as the car at least started prior to sending it off, and i'm now in a worse position than before.

So far I can only think of the following options to move forward:
- Buy a Nanocom specific to the V8 Disco, at nearly £400 this isn't a road i really want to go down as I've only just bought the Hawkeye.
The Hawkeye I bought earlier in the year was this version - https://bearmach.com/hawkeye-total-diagnostic-unit-ba-5068 I dont know if the functionality has changed in the different versions, but this seems to cover most Landrovers.
- Borrow a Nanocom specific to my vehicle - Using the map i cant see anyone locally with the right kit for the v8.
- Get it recovered to a dealer.

I'm in no huge rush to get it going, as I said it's not my main car thankfully. But the summer is coming and i'd really like to go out and get it dirty!
My take on this is that it appears that the Hawkeye can't do what you need it to - thus possibly not exactly a "total" solution :rolleyes: .... and I'd make enough of a fuss with Bearmach to either get it sorted so it can OR get a refund so you can get a Nanocomm....

In the mean time, I would try to find a friendly independent with proper diagnostics, who might even come to you for some beer tokens ....

Good luck! :)
I disabled this myself with hawkeye and if you read what i wrote in a previous posyt with attention you'll see that it's simple: SET IT TO "NO ALARM" or "ALARM NOT FITTED" one of these i can't remember well, it's a setting available and accessable with hawkeye, i reiterate, i've done it myself..... scroll down in the menu and after "voulmetric" you'll get "alarm" and set it to NO or NOT FITTED....then go untill the end and when it asks about modify factory settinngs prompt yes ad follow the on screen instructions.... i'm 100% certain that it's doable
....then go untill the end and when it asks about modify factory settinngs prompt yes ad follow the on screen instructions.... i'm 100% certain that it's doable
That is a step that users must remember whenever they make or attempt to make changes to the systems, whether you're using a Hawkeye, Nanocom or anything else. There's usually that additional step in the sequence where the change must be confirmed otherwise the alteration will not be effective.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all of your help with this - I've concluded that the Hawkeye "Total" does not have the ability to do what i really want, so i've decided to just bite the bullet and go with a Nanocom which should *fingers crossed* fix the immobilier issue properly... With any luck it will be here by the weekend! This also means if I do have this issue again in the future, i'll be alright!
The company I sent the BCU off to originally, I did contact over the weekend and received a reply yesterday AM. I've decided that I shan't be asking them for any more advice going forward, after he called me uneducated. Apparently the Hawkeye (according to this company) can resync the BCU and ECU and I really should have known that this would need doing before sending it off to them? Shame really, as if I did know what I was doing with a very bespoke system, I wouldn't have sourced external and costly help. I know I won't be using them in the future.

Anyhow, it's been costly so far but i'll hopefully have a running disco again soon!
As I dont know of anyone else locally with a Nanocom configured for the v8 D2, i'd like to offer it for assistance if anyone locally needs it so I'll try and get myself added to the LZIR map when it arrives.
Sounds to me like BCU guy is a bit of a knob. He's the 'expert', it wouldn't it have hurt him to explain the steps needed in the process and check that you were able to carry it out. He's just trying to defend crappy customer service by blaming you instead.
Jason, Did you send you BCU off to us in Brighton?

I can remember the name & the problem, & if you are the person, amend your posts.

All you need to do is to relearn your petrol engine management security. Easy as that.

Your BCU had plenty wrong with it & that has all been sorted & tested, retested, & sent back to you with clear instructions.

To come into these forums, & as you have already admitted little knowledge of diagnostics etc, & instead of taking probably the best advice you can, you wish to slate the very person who was helping you.

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