
New Member
Anyone got a clue? When I fill up (diesel) the pump will snap off almost instantly, I literally have to fill up in 20p bursts with pauses whist the fuel trickles in, gurgling... very irritating... all the way to the top...

No other ill effects, motor runs great... I'm guessing its possibly a blocked breather or something? Car is new-to-me, previous owner did serious forest driving/wading in it and I'm still finding mud packed into various crevices!!!
what year Range Rover is it??

With my P38 if you put the pump too far in it clicks off within a few seconds, you have to bring it out a bit and then it fills fine.

The other time Ive heard of something like your saying is when someone had a blocked breather like you were thinking. I'm thinking from looking at your profile you have a Classic in which case I don't really know about those but as I say, I read about someone who had the same problems with theirs and it was a blocked breather tube - so if you've tried bringing the pump out a bit when you fill and that doesn't sort it then go and check the breather next.

-Wills :)
yep, its a classic ('88).... I've tried all the tricks/angles at the pump... where do I find the breather???
I have to put the nozzle in upside down on mine if I want any chance at all of getting some fuel in. Normal way and it's click, click, click all to way to £80.

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