
Active Member
Got woken up this morning about 4 ish. Fair amount of noise going on outside my house. By the time I'd jumped out of bed, put the light on and made it to the front of the house a transit with transporter trailer on the back went tearing off. Luckily I must have disturbed them before they got their hands on my truck.

My Landy is always blocked in by at least one car, is behind a steel post set in concrete and has a disc lock on the steerig wheel.
Last night it was not behind the post and I forgot to put the disc lock on. Coincidence or are these toerags constantly watching?

Obviously tonight it is away securely, but I know I will get little sleep.
Somewhere in rural Lincolnshire I reckon lol.

Glad you disturbed them. Have you reported it to the police? They may not be able to do a great deal, but always helps for them to know these people are about and where!
thay probably wont come back this week as thay will know your on guard ad do the same next week an leave the disclock off an don't block it in but be waiting for them either with a nice big shinny sword or shotgun atleast a bat an knee cap the cnuts ;)
thay probably wont come back this week as thay will know your on guard ad do the same next week an leave the disclock off an don't block it in but be waiting for them either with a nice big shinny sword or shotgun atleast a bat an knee cap the cnuts ;)
Thats what I would do, me and my German Shepherd would have fun.No need for violence when you have a dog like mine that hates everybody except me and those she gets used to through regular contact.The scum will be back though, no doubt. CCTV dont cost much nowadays.
thay probably wont come back this week as thay will know your on guard ad do the same next week an leave the disclock off an don't block it in but be waiting for them either with a nice big shinny sword or shotgun atleast a bat an knee cap the cnuts ;)

Maybe we could hold a landyzone vigil... hide out in the back of the truck ready for em. Actually not a bad idea.

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