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(Lots of posts as engine out at moment!)

With engine out of the bay, wondering whether I should change clutch slave cylinder whilst its easy to get at. Only problem isI wont have anything to "push" against to bleed it and I have heard they can be hard to bleed. Any advice??
Exactly the opposite, I have always found that they self-bleed and you need to do nothing more than open the bleed-nipple and let the fluid flow through.
Done it this way for many years and it has never failed. Most recent was just 2-weeks ago after I had fitted a new clutch, master & slave cylinders etc.
Exactly the opposite, I have always found that they self-bleed and you need to do nothing more than open the bleed-nipple and let the fluid flow through

+1, only ever done 1:rolleyes:, but I do know it was no bother at all;);)

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