
New Member
Hi all,

I have just purchased a GPS Tracker bundle package from Skytag, the retail price is £249.99 but using a promotion code I got it for £103.69 including VAT and postage :D

My question is:

Has anyone installed it themselves? I looked at the installation information on their website and all it states is: Our systems are typically very simple to install and in fact, 90% of our customers install the systems themselves. Simply hook up a ground and power wire, mount the unit in a suitable location and the system is ready to go, once we have verified its signal strength and reception to ensure everything is operating correctly.

Am I lead to believe that it is that simple to install? also when it states "simply hook up a ground and power wire" what will I be looking do do at this point.

I'm guessing all will come with fitting instructions but if I could get a few hints and tips then I may save time and silly cock ups lol...

I love my Landy with a passion and if she were ever taken I would be gutted.....I will try any kind of secuirty to keep her safe!!!

Your going to tell me I wasted my money now...go on I'm a man I can take

ANY COMMENTS :welcome2:
all it'll need is a permanent live and 0v, or ground as they call it, chassis earth etc

via a small fuse if it's not included
That price is for the unit all all the bits plus 3 months subscription, thereafter its 6.99 per month which I think is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

If you want the promotion code let me know and I will PM you

Typing the code csma gets the price down from £250 to £90. Bought one last week, and added Nightsafe or whatever its called, but havent fitted it yet.

To be honest, I think they always seem to have some kind of promotion running. I guess if you ring them to order one and ask for the discount, I bet they'd give it.
Wiring is simple as suggested - where you mount it I think matters, both in terms of signal strength but taking thiefs longer to find and rip out.

I don't have one, but might be worth asking for some pms from guys that do re best place to mount - wouldn't want to see that shared on an open forum!
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Item number: 220903376341 this ones a good one had this working on a 12v alarm batt in my pocket jamed up to 1/2 mile lasted 2 days could you strip a landrover in 2 days ???
Item number: 220903376341 this ones a good one had this working on a 12v alarm batt in my pocket jamed up to 1/2 mile lasted 2 days could you strip a landrover in 2 days ???

It only blocks one frequency range used by mobiles. I am fairly sure that this would not stop descent trackers from working. Happy to be proven wrong by someone who knows more about GSM than me, i'm more of a radio engineer with some GSM knowledge, but, i'm fairly confident that wouldn't do a lot except for leave you £50 out of pocket
I have one fitted, did it myself and I aint saying where its located exactly ;)

As stated above wire it to 12V and 0V, it can be either permanent or switched supply as the module has an internal battery. As long as its able to charge over a decent period. That said, the monthly test Skytag send to the tracker gives signal strength and battery level. Place it in a location that will give a decent GPS signal level.

Well worth the money IMO
Thanks for all of your replies folks, I recieved mine but due to me being totally think when it comes to wiring a friend of mine at the local LR dealer will be installing it next Tuesday (19/12/11) so I will be able to give some feedback soon...... :O)


Just a quick update for anyone interested.
I have had my tracker installed today and when Skytag done its test they know exactly where my 90 was within a meter or two!! very impressed.... what was really great in Land Rover installed the thing and I could not find it lol.... it buried and wired so far out of the way it will be hard to find....well one hopes anyway....

I may sleep a little better tonight :O)

Item number: 220903376341 this ones a good one had this working on a 12v alarm batt in my pocket jamed up to 1/2 mile lasted 2 days could you strip a landrover in 2 days ???

not worth ****.. I know someone who tracks and recovers stolen cars and plant (among other things) and believe me a fdixed frequency jammer isn;t gonna stop him form finding you. In fact it may even help as he'll be able to lock onto the jamming frequency and track you that way.
not worth ****.. I know someone who tracks and recovers stolen cars and plant (among other things) and believe me a fdixed frequency jammer isn;t gonna stop him form finding you. In fact it may even help as he'll be able to lock onto the jamming frequency and track you that way.

Being something of a very qualified expert when it comes to GPS and having worked alongside US defence on aspects of their NAVSTAR system for several years I can offer the following.

GPS signals are very very very weak, imagine a 60 watt lightbulb suspended in space at 20,200km and you get a very general idea.

GPS jamming is extremely simple when it comes to blocking the CA signal that your standard Civvy systems utilise and can be done with a PP9 battery and a quids worth of components to create an omni-directional jammer. Directional jamming a little more involved but easy nonetheless.

I and any of you could build a GPS jammer with a 10 metre radial block very easily and irrespective of how good anyones mate may think they are this is a 10 metre radius so undetectable unless you are within 10 metres... simple physics

yes you could build a much more powerful jammer easily or even buy one of the many openly available commercial GPS jammers but expect men in black to swoop through your window relatively quickly.... ask the guy who's faulty signal booster wiped out the GPS coverage for most of the US Bay area a few years back.

GPS jamming is illegal and also very dangerous to play with, remember an omni directional jammer with a 2 mile radius block 2 miles up as well so just think of the aircraft chaos.

There are several companies marketing small cigarette lighter jammers that put out a 2 metre or so field and are used very succesfully by car theives, I have trialled several (with all the relevant authority even though very weak) and found them to be extremely effective against CA code.

I would still advocate use of the tracker system you mention to prevent the opportunist theif... you can never make a Landy theif proof, all you can do is make the next blokes an easier proposition whilst increasing the chance of recovery for your own.

Cheers Steve
The small cigarette lighter jammers if legal would also Im sure be very good at disguising the odd McDonalds detour if your work vehicle was also GPS monitored ;) ... purely hypothetical of course...

Cheers Steve

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