
Active Member
Well, after searching for a good second hand DMF i've found this one. It supposedly consists of TD5 clutch plate (some south african defenders had the same) and custom made flywheel. I'm tempted but a bit put off by the price, which is f**king steep for a piece of machined steel.
So, has anyone tried this?

PS: i hope that the link to the *bay wasn't a violation of terms. I'm not affiliated, just curious :)
It is as much as the real thing. Unless this is promised to be far superior, why bother? Just get the real deal.
Bix, both are about three times the price i'm prepared to pay for it :) so no deal.

Data, i know about that one but i was wondering if anyone had tried one of these. I guess not, i've never seen it before so it must be pretty new. I think i'll stick to a used DMF.
Bix, both are about three times the price i'm prepared to pay for it :) so no deal.

Data, i know about that one but i was wondering if anyone had tried one of these. I guess not, i've never seen it before so it must be pretty new. I think i'll stick to a used DMF.
The risk with the solid flywheel seems to be crank failure, at least that is what the Transit boys claim. I've been running a solid flywheel on my Trannie for a few thousand miles now. There's a bit more vibration at low revs but other than that it's fine.:)

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