
I have a strange knock sound from the drivers side front wheel. It only happens when I brake hard and come to a stop, then when I go to move forward, I have a sort of single knock sound and then it’s fine.

It’s almost as if something moves forwards on hard braking and then as u drive off it goes back. If I brake normally and drive off, I get nothing. I have had a small look underneath but can’t see anything obvious. Is there anything common this can be?

You need a friend with a torch who can peer underneath as you ty to pull away with the handbrake on so loading up the hwole drivetrain, not big revs or hard on the clutch just try and let it up gently repeatedly so the nosie can bee heard/seen, try in reverse as well, its going to be somehting loose or worn maybe a suspension bush and should be easy eough to see if its making a noise.
I'm thinking steering swivel top joint. Get the front end up on axle stands and look for play with a lever.
Update - or the panhard bushes.
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Right, just had this on the ramps and using the automated hydraulic thing that moves the wheels to look for play in bushes etc, could not see anything wrong. No play anywhere and all looks good :/

The power steering has just decided to stop working though but looked closely at all the linkage and seemed ok.

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