
New Member
Hi my name is Rog and I want to say that I love the chance to be part of this whole Landy stuff...I have always wanted one since my mate used to take me fishing in his SIIA safari it was the nads...Anyway here goes I have very little mechanical knowledge so please give me a break....I got the landy from a hedge row about 2 weeks ago but I couldnt get the clutch depressed the peddle was solid...The guy whom I bought it from told me that the clutch slave cylinder was faulty and So I towed it away and changed the slave cylinder and bled it all..numerous times...and still the peddle was solid..I have now been told that the clutch release mechanism is now at fault is this correct we tried starting it in gear and running it around and stuff....could the new slave be the master faulty.....can I test the release thingy with the slave ths a common thing....I have limited resources...But would love to get it sorted its becoming part of me it needs tonnes of work but I love it......Please Please help me I would love to drive it to the Mot to see how bad it is.....Regards Rog
Hi Rog.
Use the site search facilility & put in clutch, there's been a few clutch problems recently with III's & some good & some radical suggestions about how to cure them if my memory serves me right. Another member in Brighton was (is?) suffering from dead clutch syndrome too. Must be all the seagull sh*t!
Ok cheers I read some of them earlier but didnt seem to be too helpful in that does this mean I have a headache coming up or am I just not doing enough to sort it without major surgery is there other stuff I can be doing....I dont want to be over before I start...she is a lovely bit of kit and would be real fun to get her at least to MOT standard without a kings thingy.....can the new slave I put on be faulty...I dunno and yer right about the seagul ****......Regards Rog xx
Come on guys Please help....Will the lump have to come out or can I try a few things before having to do that...should I change the master cylinder too...The clutch pedal is solid can i test the brand new slave cylinder just changed...can I operate the clutch with a screw driver through the slave cylinder mounting hole or am I talkin poo...I dunno Help guys....xxxxx
you should be able to stuff a screwdriver in the slave cyl hole but whether you got the muscles to do anything once your there is doubtfull to say the least. i assume that if you have bled the system then the master is working. have you checked for bubbles coming back into the resorvoir??? you could whip the slave out and see if that is leaking aswell.
Easy with your talk of whipping & slaves Slob, it aint'ent Peecee! & 'sides, if they're leaking you're whipping too hard!
Sounds to me like the actuator rod that goes from the slave cylinder piston to the actuator arm has dislocated, or possibly the actuator arm itself has broken/dislocated. This would mean that the slave cylinder piston pumps all the way to the end (and stays there) which would give you the rigid pedal you describe.

If you took the interior floor out and disconnected the propshafts and gearbox mountings (and undid the bellhousing bolts etc etc) you could probably slide the 'box back just about enough to take a look, although it's quite a job. Unlikely to see much through the hole in the bellhousing as I think it's pretty inconveniently against the bulkhead.

Good luck.
hey guys just the ticket ill try them over the next few days.....AAAAAaaarrgghh!!!!!! If not its gearbox out.....I phoned the Land Rover people and they said all the same stuff Exactly almost word for word. scary really. Land Rover Geeks do exist and thats meant to be a compliment....Thanks Guys I will keep you posted and ill be sticking with you lot......I love my old Girl how do I put some pictures of her in here..I have looked at some of old girl is real tired in comparison....but shes mine....Regards...speak soon....XxXx
:p Hello Roger.A,
Guess what, I've got a great big void in the middle of my Landy where the floor, seatbox, seats and gearbox used to be (me layshafts gone breasticles up!). It aint so bad, me and my mate had oodles of fun yesterday as Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Seriously, box out (ooer matron) aint as daunting as some say, if you do resort to this then just do it in yer own good time.

Good luck and Best Regards WP.
Thanks im gonny try the few suggestion I got and then if they dont work then I will be going for it...I have secured a place in my bus garage yard in the corner with all the other junk (thats what my boss said) were she can sit for a week he said....My mate will be helping or should I say doing most of it....He has a classic Rangey and Loves it and I never understood till Franky got under me skin....XxXx
Marcus said:
Easy with your talk of whipping & slaves Slob, it aint'ent Peecee! & 'sides, if they're leaking you're whipping too hard!

**** you can't keep your sex life a secret here for long i was gonna susgest yer maun gets some clamps for the hose but he might want to borrow mine and i'd never see them again. home made one there are, conected up to a couple of old coils i had :0)))
Phew......Its all done guys. Getting the clutch centred without the centring tool thingy was a bitch And that gearbox was heavy took 2 of us and a couple of good jacks to hold the F***ER when I got in there the release bearing was melted man a lump of plastic and marbly thingys so we fitted the new Clutch and bearing and put it all back together and those prop shafts were as you guys warned(cheers guys) and a little knowledge went a far way...It was all very time consuming and fidly but reasonably simple and straight foreward...The haynes manual was ok but a restoration manual I got from Buckley Bros was the business (cool book the 16 bucks paid for itself in 1 hit). Well let me tell you guys thats the first time I got to drive the Landy and I am still smiling guys it was Fab...I Love it rust an all...hope I didnt bore ye Guys...speak soon....xxxxxx
next time you go to center a clutch without the tool try using a 6" socket extension with some insulting tape wrapped around it..this come from slob's book of how to it with no tools
Disaster Guy its awful.....The big Landy has always had a dickie starter but with everything else going on I never bothered sorting it out till I had something to start...WRONG...took the starter out today and the teeth on the flywheel are it all has to come back out again and the flywheel changed....are they expensive weres the best place to get 1 or is there another way....a starting handle..I dunno guys help..what do I do....let me know
there is a starting handle but unless you know what yer doing...don't.. check ebay there are usually some old ****ey engines for sale maybe they could take the flywheel off for you. failing that try paddocks or the like for a new starter ring . if you do that get back to ma and i'llexplain how to put it on..
The new starter ring is only 25 bucks mate but according to the book I have to heat it up and do some messin around is that the case dude or do you have a quick fix answer as always mate....your a star dude...give the benefit of yer wisdom...if its not too hard then thats the least I will never have to do another..... he there any other bit I should change while im in there again....xx
use a grinder ti get part way through the ring then use a hammer and chisel to get it orf.what you do next is give yer missus some money and tell her to go buy a new frock....right now she's out the way . bung the flywheel in the frezzer on super freeze then put the ring in the oven on very very hot. leave it like so for 30mins to an hour then place the flywheel on a piece of old wood. next you git the ring from the oven and drop it on using a hammer to tap it fully home, if need be. next remove all traces from freezer and oven before missus gets back.
"drop it on using a hammer to tap it fully home"

One should always use a soft metal drift twixt hammer and anvil.

Yup I've been on the ale again!!!!!!!!!!!!

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