Just purchased a 68 SII with V8. However, due to higher insurance and fuel costs, I am going to sell it. I have a buyer but he wants the gearbox. He's not having it unless I can get a gearbox. What are my options? I can do any modification needed. Will the montego box work? This is my first Landy, I know very little so far, haven't even collected the vehicle yet.
www.integerspin.co.uk - conversion kit to fit prima to series box - no personal experience of plate but having spoken to gentleman (Richard)who makes them (well, gets them cast) and having seen pics, I'd give them a try. From talking to several people who used Prima diesel, if it's a swb then go for it. LWB apparently is slightly gutless with this conversion. Someone else may have fitted one and may have better knowledge. Can't you register as classic vehicle and therefore cheap insurance? What 'box is in vehicle at present? If lt77/230/r380 then propshafts will also have to be changed. Major benefit of Prima is that you can buy a Montenegro Mott failure for <£100. If you're worried about cost (integer kit about £200) you can build convertor yourself - basic idea mentioned by Richard (seen on another site) , but simple modifications make home-built kit accurate, straight and reliable (bolts, two backplates, some steel tube/plate and patience - Workmate not required!)
I am aware of the conversion kit ( I heard about it from www.dudleigh.co.uk) but as I said I have a buyer for the engine and gearbox from my landy and I was wondering if I could use the gearbox from the montego as well, or use another gearbox completely. Regarding the insurance, yes I can get cheap classic insurance but the V8 is about £300 a year more than a standard petrol or diesel. Haven't got a quote with the prima perkins yet. I was thinking another gearbox might give me a better cruising speed too. My aim is to get 35mpg, 70mph with insurance less than £350 to make this an affordable vehicle for me to use everyday. I am just starting up as self-employed after a long period out of work.
Montego is front-wheel drive. simple answer is no (without major mods) Gearbox is (IIRC) Volkswagen 084/085 (or similar code) with internal diff. D/s flanges 6-bolt and nearly in line with 'rear' of engine (backplate) so loooong rear p/s, v.short front one. Do you know what 'box is in at the moment? If it's a series, may be worth seeing if purchaser will just take engine. If it's a RR/Disco 'box (permanent 4wd) I don't know about fitting Prima to it at all (don't even know of anyone who's done it).
Techie bit: if you're unsure which box, series has high/low (forward backward) lever with red (or yellow) knob on top and 4wd (pushy downy) lever with spring on and yellow (or red!) knob on top. RR boxes either have air difflock (centrediff) usually mounted near base of gearlever looking a bit like a cigarette lighter and a high/low ratio lever beside main gearlever (usually black knob that looks like an oversize Swizzels lollypop) and diff lever where handbrake usually goes or a (almost) 'H' gate lever for both functions beside main gear lever. Think that about covers it. Think propshafts need to be changed too (I know for certain that when I swapped 4spd auto with chain/gear transfer box to 4spd auto with viscous coupling transfer box propshafts had to be changed - so if series propshafts match one or t'other, then one has wrong length 'shafts (Think that makes sense!) Free-wheeling hubs and and overdrive worth finding for extra mpg, RR diffs too. Even tyre choice affects mpg so if it's all roadwork, narrower,taller tyre helps (as obviously does 7.50x16 rather than 6.00x16 - larger rolling radius). Don't know if London taxi (black cab) tyres are easily available but I seem to remember they're 16", tough as nails and about as grippy as icy teflon - but may be worth seeing if 'cab' breakers have any. Ex-military (XCL?) tyres ok onroad and gentle-ish - ok for minor off-roading too.
Of course, this may make your speedo inaccurate but:
A - this isn't really that much of a problem in most Landys.
B - No different from how 'accurate' speedo was before ;)
I'm still looking for lettering (like letraset?) for sticking on dial to match numerals so mine can read things like "60-ish,70-something,roundabout-90 etc"...
Tippex dot/stripes on glass marking 30,40,60,70 (get a friend to 'pace' you) cures this
Doh, I feel thick now, I knew montego's were front wheel drive, what was I thinking! It as early morning....ish. Thanks for the tips, I'll just have to wait and see what the gearbox is. Picking it up Weds or Thurs next week, assuming snow has all but gone.

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