
Hi all...

Last year I bought a set of sidelights/indicators/reversing/brake lights.

Admittedly, they were disturbingly cheap...

My issue is with the back plates that fit onto the bodywork. So, at the time of fitting them I noticed how brittle the plastic was and in fact some of them cracked upon fitting with only moderate pressure from the screws. However I seemed to get away with it, so thought no more of it at the time.

Just now, my jacket "brushed" the front sidelight and the whole lens fell off! The screw mountings in the plastic back plate have simply fallen apart.

For now I've glued the whole thing back on with sealant.

Was wondering though... can anyone point me in the right direction to get some decent back plates for the lenses? lenses are all fine so don't need to go buying those again (ideally).

Am I right in thinking the original LR back plates were steel, or are they supposed to be plastic?
Plastic, always have been.
Patience, and mechanical sympathy when fitting required.
S3 (and prevous ) screwed the back plates to the wing, later models screwed the back plates to the wing through/along with the front lenses.
get someone with a 3d printer to knock some out ,or there are firms who will print them for money but they would require a stl or g code file

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