
Well-Known Member

Manufactured & Sold by: solaristuning (Ebay handle).


Based in Poland.


They arrived damaged and needed modifications. I originally gave a + Feedback, but now regret that. Read on...

After unwrapping the bubble-wrapped parcel (large & 14Kg heavy) I discovered there were two deep dents, one in each of the step's outer-edges. I suggested, by email, the seller revise their packaging - as the bubble-wrap didn't protect the stainless-steel steps from damage.
I also needed to modify four mounting bolts that were too long.
The mild-steel mounting brackets had a slight smear of paint (if-any) on them, so rust would have appeared very quickly with rapid deterioration taking place. I remedied this by painting them - with several coats of gloss paint. I also needed to remove sharp burs of metal too - the bracket's cut surfaces had not been smoothed or dressed, leaving them with a sharp & lethal saw-tooth edge. I actually cut my hand on one of the edges, leaving my blood as a sacrifice. I'm awfully good (or bad) at doing that! Otherwise, the steps are of a good stainless-steel quality. A few errors that make a difference, so there is plenty of room for much needed improvements.
I wish i had bought elsewhere instead. And the deal was I had to pay for any returns... which would have been awfully expensive. Too expensive.Dent 1.JPG Dents.JPG DSCF0373.JPG Modified.JPG


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Yeah, maybe so, but I hope this serves as a lesson so others don't get caught out.
I mean, the steps themselves look good, except for the dents, and they wont rust - except the mounting brackets.
Depends on the quality of the stainless: only marine grade doesn’t corrode (likely sweeping statement soon to be shot down in flames by some metallurgist who actually knows what they’re talking about! Lol)
The mounting looks kind of similar to the Freelander rock sliders I've seen - would it be suitable for that purpose? I guess maybe not, given the dents it suffered in transit from Poland...?
I take on board what you say, and must add you may very well be right. i contacted the seller/manufacturer and they weren't interested to even bother replying.
So, to anyone who reads this and my report, do not buy from this seller on Ebay or any other selling outlet.
The mounting looks kind of similar to the Freelander rock sliders I've seen - would it be suitable for that purpose? I guess maybe not, given the dents it suffered in transit from Poland...?
I'm writing to add that I have tried for the past three hours to add a Review for the SOLARISTUNING seller, on Ebay - to say what I received and how I have been treated.
Ebay has to the worst kind of dealer for trying to inform the public & buyers to any kind of negative experience and/or misfortune. I will continue to use Ebay, but will also be wary of its inefficiencies and lack of trust.
As for Solaristuning.com, I would have to say... avoid the damned-buggers. They will take your cash and give you faulty stuff and no refunds... unless you pay the return P&P, which would be lots - and not worth while doing.
There's a good ending to this tale of woe. The manufacturer/seller have apologised wholeheartedly, stating the dents were more-than-likely caused during the delivery process, and have fully reimbursed me. Yes, fully. And told to keep the steps.
What can I say? They have turned out be more honourable than I gave them credit for.
It's just a pity the steps were dented and the sharp brackets bordering on lethal. I cringed every time I saw them, especially as they weren't cheap to buy.
So, I will now endorse the firm, Solaristuning, as I feel they have earned it.
And we all lived happily ever after.
I guess it's a lesson that you don't know what you're gonna get until you receive it, as I say to all the girls. lol. Don't tell my wife though. lol

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