Like many others, the side step brackets have rusted to nothing. However, have found a company that has made exact replicas for both the 'bottle neck' style steps and other styles as well. These are galvanised, so won't disintegrate like the originals. Whilst not cheap, they are exactly made, so fitting is a simple replacement (assuming you can get the old ones off). I replaced the rivnuts and bolts with stainless steel just in case. For further details please see GST Fabrications ( Hope this helps others who may be in the same situation.
Thanks. Mine are different lengths front and rear. Do you know if they do those too?
For the 'bottle neck' side steps they produce two differing length brackets (GST Fabrications Type 2) as the front and rear brackets, besides being different lengths, are also angled a bit differently. The GST Fabrications other Freelander side step brackets (Type 1) . Have a word with Graham Smith at GST Fabrications for details about the size & lengths of these - he is very helpful - he sent me the technical drawing so I could see what was what....
For the 'bottle neck' side steps they produce two differing length brackets (GST Fabrications Type 2) as the front and rear brackets, besides being different lengths, are also angled a bit differently. The GST Fabrications other Freelander side step brackets (Type 1) . Have a word with Graham Smith at GST Fabrications for details about the size & lengths of these - he is very helpful - he sent me the technical drawing so I could see what was what....
GST Fabrication Ltd
Graham Smith
Unit 2 Pooly Park Industrial Estate
Deal Street
West Yorkshire
BD21 4LA
United Kingdom

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