
New Member
Does anyone have an idea where I can get a side moulding kit for a 2003 3 door. Fed up with having my doors bashed in carparks by careless Spaniards. LR Centre are out of stock and have no date for resupply.
Does anyone have an idea where I can get a side moulding kit for a 2003 3 door. Fed up with having my doors bashed in carparks by careless Spaniards. LR Centre are out of stock and have no date for resupply.

There are some on e-bay now. I had to pay £60 for genuine 5 door strips. Well worth it though. Clean the surfaces well before fitting. Use a hair dryer to warm things up.
Also referred to as "Rubbing Strips" in case "Side Molding Kit" doesn't come up with any results using Ebay/Google etc.


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