
New Member
My TD5 has just developed a problem. After about 15 mins of driving the whole car suddenly starts shuddering.

The shuddering occurs when i press down on the throttle. The car sounds noiser and it seems as if there is a drop off in power.

This only occurs after about 15mins. I first thought i may of pumped in some dodgy diesel but the problem persists after multiple fill ups at different stations.

When moving off from stationary it feels as if i am going to stall.

I would appreciate any help you could give.


You haven't explained exactly where the shuddering is coming from. At a rough guess it sounds as if it's the engine starved of fuel.
When was the last time you changed your fuel filter? You could also be sucking in air into your fuel system. When you put your foot down, the pump is calling for more fuel and it doesn't sound as if it's getting it.
It could be something to do with the fuel control unit thing... (why did they get rid of the Lucas CAV?????)

Anyway, my friends TD5 when starting shudders for about 30 seconds, its almost like its completly confused and not getting the diesel in at the right time.

Your problem could be that the injection is too soon or too late, which will be down to some heap of microchips somewhere. If its after 15minutes, sounds like when the engine gets warmed up, it is not correctly ajusting to warm engine running.
If it was auto i was going to say flywheel breaking up,does the engine sound like its miss firing does it start ok and then start wobbling or does it start bad as well
It starts fine. everything is hunky dorey for 15 mins. Then the shaking begins.


cheack the fuel filter if thats ok tigpiglot told me about a valve in the filter housing which breakes up and you need to replace the whole filter unit
Hi try disconecting the air flow meter to see if it makes a difference to the engine running ,its located near the filter box,tiga
:( Find someone with testbook then find £500 and have the faulty injector replaced.

On start up the fuel is a rich mixture - this hides the fact that one of the injectors isn't delivering fuel. You may also find that the MAF sensor is burn't out, however this won't cause the shuddering, as the ECU switches to a default setting.

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