
New Member
Crossing Offas Dykes Path at Eden Hope hill just NW of Churchtown. I have reported this before when the farmer locked the gate at the NW end and blocked a group in with his tractor last year. This weekend again another group has found the gate padlocked. This seems to be all the time now the farmer is blocking the lane. Ongoing issues with this being blocked.

Hopton ISAF. This is where the lane crosses with the footpath. I have been informed there is now a very dangerous side slope on the lane now almost 40 degrees slope with a drop off the side. The lane needs some repair work to make it passable.

Pentre-Cwm This lane is blocked by a very large fallen oak tree around where the N andT are on the map.

Stokesay Castle. Please drive this S - N. North end route now goes through a steep field. Ruts already 6" deep trying to drive up is only going to damage it more and you wont make it on normal muds. Shotgun wielding Farmer not happy run in already with 1 group of 4x4 at 2am

Burwarton - Completely chewed up mud run now. Other side of the lane almost unpassable now as well due to deep muddy ruts
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Ere Stu,

I know yous is only trying to be helpful but posting the grid references aint a good idea. :eek:

The off piste morons and those who think that a little foray into the mud isn't doing any harm will only go and seek them out.

If you post the names of the lanes then those who care about being responsible will be able to find them and avoid them.

Just saying like :)

Yeah I forgot we been here before a while back I remember now . You are a regular here more than me so if you think its best will go with what you think is right

Yeah I forgot we been here before a while back I remember now . You are a regular here more than me so if you think its best will go with what you think is right

Sorry bud,

Im no moderator and I don't want to sound like a c*ck but unfortunately i think our days of hoping for the best in people are seriously behind us.

Wether there just uneducated or they don't care i think most would just go and drive them. :( sad though it is.
Sorry bud,

Im no moderator and I don't want to sound like a c*ck but unfortunately i think our days of hoping for the best in people are seriously behind us.

Wether there just uneducated or they don't care i think most would just go and drive them. :( sad though it is.

I don't mind sounding like a c*ck :D

Prolly just as well :eek:
Hopton and Isaf are in Powis according to Shropshire CC so those 2 not gonna see any work anytime soon !

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