
New Member
Taking me battered IIA to a tracture show at the weekend not that it's anything special to look at but it does get me free tickets. The question is;
Do I wash, wax and polish it, or chuck a bucket of ****e on it and take it off road on the way to the show?
dunno...last time i did a show just shoveled the half empty bags of cement and logs out the back and emptied the cab of crisp packets..oh..and finally threw out my collection of unopened letters from the tax man that had been spilling out the parcel shelf...felt much better after that.
Open the doors and use a leaf blower to remove the **** and your done.
BTW where is this show ?
A leaf blower? It would blow the doors orf and blast oles in me bulkhead!

The show is at Newark, Nottinghamshire. Its some big vintage tractor show and they put out that they wanted series landrovers to attend so being local I thought I'd contribute my shed. Got a feeling it's gonna stand out like a sore thumb against all the polished and gleaming machinery there but wot the 'ell! In the end I've opted to chuck most of the crap and shotgun shells out and given the the outside a light wash. Worried doing anymore might make the paint fall off.
Good job I didn't wax the flippin thing, the drive there turned into a bit of an adventure. I had my first ever classic car breakdown where you end up at the side of the road with steam coming out of the bonnet. Only had to do about 10 miles on the A1 but the landy decided it only wanted to do about 8! Either there were some very slow cars on the road or my speedo is a bit dodgy but I overtook several cars even though I didn't think I was thrashing it. However, while alongside the last car it became very obvious that I had steam coming out bonnet so I had to get past quick and drive down the next exit. Pulled up after the slip road and could see rusty water spewing out onto the wing. Opened bonnet to find I'd blown one of the heater hoses (my fault, I knew it was perished but was waiting for a new heater tap before I replaced it) so I left it running to cool down and then gently drove the last couple of miles to the show.

Luckily, one of the stands at the show had some suitable hose so I replaced the busted one, topped up with water and set off for home. However, a mile down the road and I resembled a mobile steam sauna again. Pulled up and found that the other heater hose had blow. I fixed this by looping the new bit of hose round to bypass the heater and then drove home to find how cold a landy can be, especially went the vent flap seal in knackered and the cold air blasts onto your hands on the steering wheel.

So the cost of driving a round trip of 20 miles was; **** loads of fuel, 2 blown hoses, water, antifreeze, a side light bulb, a dashboard bulb and all my credability. Still, it was all a lot of fun!

Oh, and to the bastad who drove past in the defender when I was broke down pretending not to see me, hope you can't get up any hills (it was red).

Here's a few piccies so you can pretent to be at the show;


  • landyshow.jpg
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  • landyshow2.jpg
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sounds like you got off lightly.....a whole twenty miles and you only breakdown twice!

Personly I think creditibility is overrated anyway, your much better off now youv'e got none to loose mate....after all, really doesn't matter what happens next when you look like a prat before you even start.

This way of thinking has stood me proud for many years and, thankfully honed into a fine art before finding myself the rediculusly proud owner of my series.
PS Is it me or is there a strange class of Deepender driver out there who seem to take great pride in refusing to notice in any way or form any other landy....Mind you if I'd paid 15grand for my motor I might get a little ****ed off being expected to wave cheerfully at every bucket of bolts that rattled by
Yeah, I think i've had more waves from discos and RR than from defenders. I think it's a mix of miserable farmers (i'm a cheery one) and utility workers who are only driving one cause they have to. Miserable fecks....

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