
New Member
TD4 Auto

Wife loves it and (dare i say it) its running mighty fine at mo, Shes now adapted to a bigger car and loves the auto, 34mpg. But she didnt say no when Disco mentioned

Could do with a bigger boot, 7 seats would be nice not seeing one every 3rd car would be nice and something of interest to read in LR mag cos they dont say much bout a freelander.

Just dont feel like messing about searching for another and chancing it when i have something that i know is ok (at the mo)

Auto disco 300tdi or TD5 which is best for about £5-£6k, what MPG would i get and are there any main issues similar to the shopping list you expect on a Freelander

Not seeing one every 3rd car?! I duno bout yorkshire but down her discos are a lot more common than gaylanders!
he have a lot of discos around stafford but as a family car i think it would be a good idea

Zoe x

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