
Hi everyone, Got an unusual one, I have a 1963 series 2a and when I depress the clutch I get a strange squeeling noise. As soon as the clutch is released the noise stops.

I thought it had to be the thrust bearing so I whipped the box out and to my surprise the thrust bearing seems fine there is no rust or stange scoring on the main shaft and there is a new clutch and pressure plate.

Before I start replacing all of the parts can anyone shed any light on what could be the cause.

Many thanks

Hi all

Further to my earlier thread one option that I have is to swap both the engine and gearbox from a '82 series 3.

Has anybody ever done this and is it as easy as it would first appear?

My limited experience with landrovers tells me that it won't be so any advice would be appreciated.

Is anyone else going to spend the bank holiday working on their landrover?

it sounds like the bush in the flywheel running dry. As yu depress the clutch the primary input shaft stops rotating, but the flywheel still rotates. If it is a sintered bronze bush (they used to be) remove it and put the bush into a baked bean can (or similar) half full of engine oil, and heat it until it is just under boiling temp. when air bubbles stop coming out of the bush, allow to cool down and replace the bush - prob solved:D.
I'll go along with that broadly speaking. But wunt it be easier to get a new bush they dunt cost a lot for a later one, though dunno about the earlier ones. If the shaft has semi-seized in the bush and picked up on the diameter it could mean a new un of those as well, though a bit of careful fettling emery cloth an a file will probably sort it.
The pilot shaft bearing on the gearbox input shaft can be lubed with MOLY grease, best an assembly paste such as ROCOL MT-LM.

One little dollop of that into the bearing and it will be OK for ever.

Make very sure the bearing hasn't come loose in the flywheel.
If it overheated a lot it could have been damaged, and loosened.


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