lady landrover

New Member
:(:( hope people can help, i've got a w reg 1.8 petrol, 5 door
at about 30 up to about 70 when you have the power on in any way its like you have buckled front wheels and a scratchy noise, after 70 it calms down, still there but only very little.

had tyre's checked and balanced, still there.
had o/s wheel bearing done, still there,
had rear dif done, ok for test run, then back again,
any one help?
A new drive shaft could cost less than £60 from ebag.A genuine one from a dealer could cost many multiples of that (€560+fat,from my local stealer in Ireland).The ffront drivers side drive shaft usually goes first.
you could check it yourself by lifting the front of the vehicle off the ground and grab the shaft near the ird try to rattle it,if it shakes about even a bit up/down,back or forth its almost certainly knackered.
Search drive shaft,or get a haynes manual and you might find a step by step guide on how to replace the d/s.

I have no idea what the scratchy noise could be.I hope your more mechanically minded than my missis..good luck.
going to take the prop shaft off tuesday to eliminate that and the transfer box, as garage determined it is the tranfer box but i think the same as you drive shaft, any advice on that?

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