
New Member
I was hoping someone might be able to provide some help. I bought a 2001 model 2.5 auto Freelander earlier in the year, with 64K miles on the clock, but it has developed a fault whereby when it changes from 2nd to 3rd gear the car jerks severely (to the point where you feel you are going to get thrown at the windscreen!). It changes smoothly from 1st to 2nd.

Any ideas on what the fault could be? Would any of the faults show up on a diagnostic machine? I've seen several posts which talk about solenoids being a problem on these vehicles?

Thanks and much appreciated.
Gearshift solinoids gone simple job to do change all at the same time can be done on the car you don't need to drop the gearbox oil but its best to as it will be burnt from said solinoid.
I'd change the fluid first. Use a quality compatible like Carlube ATF-U. Drive it a few hundred miles, then change the fluid again.
Slamming into gear is a possible result of fluid that's past its best.

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