
Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd do a quick post to say we will be setting off soon. Has anyone else been to Tunisa/Algeria by car? If so then let me know about your experience :)

We are going in our 1963 Series 2a. Pretty much standard apart from a few jerry cans bolted on and a snorkel. Been fixing it up for the past 13 months though...almost there now!


Our route is London-->Italy--->Tunisia--->Algeria and then back via Eastern Europe. We are going to do approx 3000 miles in Algeria which we are hoping will be a lot of fun. Roughly like this:


All details can be found at

Given our success with raising money for charity in 2007 with the Mongol Rally (see The Rusty Rhinos Adventure Portal) we are raising money again for Mercy Corps (a very worthwhile charity) and our target is £1000 - which we hope to have achieved by the time we get back.

You can donate directly to the charity at Justgiving - Team Rusty Rhinos - Saharan Rally 2009 and if anyone on this forum could donate, even if it is £2 that would be brilliant!


Alex and Adam
aka Rusty Rhinos
Deffo wont forget that, we have some decent SLR digital camera with various lenses, tripod and camcorder :)
LOL well I hope that we dont get in sand that deep that we will need a snorkel to breathe through lol!

But yes, ad is right, it makes a big difference to the amount of sand that goes in the air filter as we found out in the SJ in Kazakhstan/Mongolia.

Not long to go now, wooooo!!!!!!

p.s we have a live texting thing on our site where we will update to our location and mishaps so visit there if anyone is interested
Audacious trip Boyz, bloody good luck, and check that Snorkel for Goffers, they'll think it's home from home. If a bit draughty!

Looking forward to the pics, txt's etc.
they are using one of mine. Hopefully it will run happily across the Sahara... time will tell!
Haha, noise isnt a problem - the mega size speaker boxes next to our ears drown anything out, as does the superb scenery and driving.

Considering what we have put it through the landy has performed very well indeed. Had all four wheels in the air a few times and also been sideways on 2 wheels whilst drifting round a bend in sand. Great fun!

Only real problem was a bit of overheating (cured by an Algerians tip of adjusting the points and our own remedy which land rover purists will hate!) The speedo packed in when we hit 75MPH but that cured itself. Replaced wheel bearing seal as it was leaking like a goodun.

Weather has been superb and been a huge amount of fun. Chilling out in Tunis for bit now and soon setting off for the Europe stretch.

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