
New Member
I fancy making an external sun visor for my Series! Does anyone have one that they could measure up for me and maybe a couple of photo to help! thanks Wozzie
Just buy one, they're 40 odd quid new if you look online and they're usually galvanised ;)
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Be careful with construction and use regs with home made external thingys. You cant even put a bonnet mascot on a car now.
it will cost you more than that , in lost fuel economy !! They add considerably to drag esp when you try and go over 55/60 mph . JMHE
My visor is aerodynamically tested to increase down force on cornering, very similar to the latest F1 Ferrari. I lose something on top speed but make up for it on the twisty bits.
Coul you put where you bought online? I have the dimensions to make one but no time to do it. Here are some pictures:



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