
New Member
I bought a Series IIA without its original gearbox, enjin and mountings. I have desided to fit a series III box but I have a problem in placing the box, the enjin mountings are already altered so I cant use the enjin for alignment. I want to use the original gearbox mounting brackets for it will make it easier to fit boath the enjin and gearbox and have everything aligned aswell. So...I can build my own brackets but do not know the dimentions of any or the placement of the box not to have problems with the propshafts. Any ideas or mabey dimentions on the brackets?
The only brackets I have are series I...I think and the passenger side gearbox mounting bracket which I got with the series III gearbox. Comparing two left hand brackets; (one of the series I and one of the other) they are not the same. They obviously fit on the gearbox but the series I do not fit on the gearbox cross member. I only need the right hand bracket of the earlier pair (series III...?) or dimensions on it.
Thanks for your reply!
Hey thanks slob but do keep in mind I am living is South-Africa, if you want to post it...I think a few crucial dimensions would do, I just want to fit the engin and everything and later maybe find a bracket here or maybe get one posted from you. Thanks

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