
New Member
Whilst off road I needed to reverse up a steep incline. A loud bang and no reverse or 1st gear at all. 2nd, 3rd and 4th will engage but when you increase revs the gearboxes makes awful metallic major problem noises. Gearbox and clutch professionally rebuilt one year ago. Is it cheaper to buy recon gearbox or to repair and rebuild. Have a Fairey o/d and was in 4x 2 at time of breakage. Has anyone got any suggestions?
1st gear and reverse and 2nd are driven through the same sliding gear, with rev and 1st been driven by outer teeth and 2nd by the inner ,it would seem like youve lost some outer teeth,but you may well find damage on layshaft and rev idler gears too
Thank you Jamesmartin.

However my question now is what is the best option now assuming your diagnosis is correct.

Am I better getting a recon box or having mine stripped and rebuilt. It had a rebuild a year ago by a local Lanzy specialist which left 2nd and 1st difficult to select and noisy as well, after the rebuild.

If a recon box is the answer is there anyone you could recommend as a supplier. I note Ashcrofts no longer do series boxes. I am in the Chester area.

Any advice gratefully received.

1st and 2nd been harder to select after rebuild if new gears were used as things need to wear in a little, noise is an issue though, id repair it its the only issue

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