
Well-Known Member
G'day Folks,

(Me again - eventually the questions will dry up - so please bear with me)

This time I'd like to know about your experiences with replacement body parts for your series Land Rover.

I've been hunting about on the interweb and the following suppliers have caught my attention =>

(Bits4landies on ebay)

Pegasus parts

SP 4X4

Are there any others I should consider?

Anyone I should avoid?
There are loads of established independent landy suppliers (Craddock, Paddock, Britpart, etc.). That's not really the issue it's the specific body parts that are the issue. Many are "unobtainable so it depends on what your are looking for.
There are loads of established independent landy suppliers (Craddock, Paddock, Britpart, etc.). That's not really the issue it's the specific body parts that are the issue. Many are "unobtainable so it depends on what your are looking for.
Thanks John,

May be it is just me but I get the vibe from the interweb that the stuff from the bigger suppliers doesn't fit as well. This could be marketing from the smaller guys though...
That's sort of true but often you get nos parts that need a bit of jiggering so it's no surprise that aftermarket bits need it. I'd get as many bits from the same supplier as possible and be prepared to use a file. And hammer. And angle grinder. And oxy acetylene. And ......
Had new doors, safari door and sills from SP 4x4. Good fitting parts and seemed well made / good quality. I know others have been pleased with them too.
Had quite a few bits off YRM too - seat box repair panels and tool box etc and all have been of excellent quality and fit.
I bought a panel off sp 4x4 It arrived badly damaged ! I refused delivery But they would not give me my money back until they had it back even though it had NEVER been in my possession.
Very bad customer service .
I bought a panel off sp 4x4 It arrived badly damaged ! I refused delivery But they would not give me my money back until they had it back even though it had NEVER been in my possession.
Very bad customer service .
I had that with a door top from them, it was just badly packed and been squashed. Quality was ok though.
I will be going to collect any parts I buy from them as they are not a million miles from me.
hi there!
im william from sp 4x4.
would just like to put a reply in to foxyreds comments above as i feel it is quite unfair.
As most of our customer know we will do as much to help where we can.
In this case the chap had ordered a Puma bonnet from us on the 14th march. We had sent the bonnet on the 15th march and was delivered on 16th march at 11.52 on APC consignment number 4983735

We got the below email on the 16th march from the customer at 20.46 :

Hi had a puma bonnet delivered today to ---------------------------------------------------.
Upon inspection the left hand rear corner was slightly bent inwards, causing buckling and separation of bonnet skin from frame.
We refused to accept delivery, could you please let me know when a replacement can be sent or wether I can collect in person on Saturday.
As car is booked in for a respray on Tuesday and I will need it for then.

I replied back with at 20.58 (yes within 12 minutes on an evening!)

hi dean
ever sorry to hear that,
Unfortunately that was the last one we had in stock,
we will just refund your order when we get it back,

kind regards

The reply back from customer was:
I cant understand the reason why I've got to wait for a refund as I've not actually taken delivery of the bonnet. I now need to find another one before Tuesday, and am now held to ransom due to your courier.
Kind regards Dean.

We replied back with (still the evening of the 16th)

hi Dean
Unfortunately at the moment we just cant issue any refund until we get the item back. I am sorry that you have to find another one at such short notice we did try our best to ensure its safe arrival to you. I understand were you are coming from but, as you would expect of any other shop/internet retailer we need to get the item back from the courier, it is standard industry practice that we need to follow
As soon as it is received back i assure you we will offer a full refund immediately

Customer replied back with:

Disappointed in your customer service, as a retailer myself I would ensure that my customer was my first priority as repeat orders are as important as customer satisfaction.
Kind regards Dean.

We replied back with the following as was our last communication with each other:

hi dean
I couldnt provide any better customer service, we sent the bonnet on next day delivery for you, you have emailed at night regarding an issue, we have responded within minutes, out of working hours and assured that you would receive a refund when we get it back.
No professional company can issue a refund before getting an item back.
I think you are being very unreasonable. I have done everything and can and more from my end, i am sorry that i have not been able to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

The best part of this story is that within the next week no bonnet had come back, i had then checked the tracking number (i hadn't done so to start with as no real need) and noticed that contrary to what the customer has stated, no refusal was ever made and the delivery had took place and had been signed for!
APC consignment number 4983735

Thankfully i had not just issued a refund before getting the item back and this is why we have to wait to get items back. Though I would never have thought someone would actually try to take a whole bonnet!
We would have been £450 down and find it incredible even after us trying our best to help him right from the start that he has also went to the bother of saying how bad our customer service is on a public forum!

Luckily we find the majority of the land rover community great honest people! But as a retailer this is some of the stuff we have to put up with sadly!
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My daughter works at Homebase on the returns desk and say's its just amazing what people try on.
Half used tins of paint,lawn mowers that are well abused,last years rusty barbi,ect ect.
Trying it on is one thing but then slagging the company is another.

Still, everyone has their side of a story so perhaps @Foxyred would like to share
Hold on William ! Are you saying you have a Signature for Delivery for the Bonnet ?
If that is the case then
I would like to see it ! It was brought into my shop examined by the Manageress who phoned me to say it was damaged,i told her to refuse it. Thankfully we have CCTV on the front and back doors.
I saw the Bonnet 2 Hrs later on (TUFFNELLS) your couriers van at my Brother in laws Company as he was picking up a collection.
I thought you had paid me back, I have just looked on my Bank statement and you are correct you have not Refunded my £450.00 i will be sending a recoded delivery letter asking for a refund, as have been advised by Derbyshire Police tonight as this is my first response .
I bought an Undamaged Bonnet from Land Rover Derby Main Dealer on 18 March for £484.94

I am pleased Blue Beasty has brought this to my attention

I will be Contacting the Bank tomorrow to bring it to their attention that I have paid for goods and not signed for or had a refund.
It's good to talk :)

It appears to me that communication is the key.

Before things get out of hand isn't it worth some discussion to find out exactly what happened to the bonnet and crucially where it is now?

Goods arriving damaged is disappointing but nobody is immune from ham fisted couriers.

A company can't really be expected to give a refund until they have the goods back.

The tracking record should be able to sort this out without things getting unpleasant
I have NOT stolen a damaged bonnet !
I have not signed for a damaged Bonnet, I saw the Bonnet at 4.00pm in the back of Tuffnells lorry in Bardills Garden Center on the day of delivery and the driver showed me and two witnesses the damage ! So how can i have received it before 12.00 when i saw it in a big Green lorry at 4.00pm ?
I have just spoke to Derbyshire Police who have told me my first approach it to wright to you !
As you are calling ME a Thief and Liar i will post all the letters i send and receive on here so the Forum can decide Who is telling the truth.
I am Soo happy you posted your message as i had NOT realised you had failed to refund me, I bought a Puma Bonnet from Hunters Main Dealer at Derby on the 18th of march as i told you it was urgently needed for the respray that was booked.

To all members on the Forum Please watch this Thread to find who is the bad guy

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