
New Member
The end is now in sight. I have just about completed the conversion of my s3 to diesel using the old 2.5na engine. The conversion was a little more tricky than i thought but i am looking forward to taking the old girl for a spin, once a have got the breaks working again. I decided I did not want to go down the 200tdi route as it was too expensive and speed not a issue. If you are considering the same conversion then get in touch and i can let you know all the ins and outs.

The 2.5 diesels are great engines. On mine I started it in the middle of winter after it had stood for about 8 months. Charged up the battery and it went first time :)

Have you got any pics?
I am looking into doing the same conversion. Does the engine bolt straight on to the box? Or do you have to swap bits over? Also where did you put the fuel return? And I'm going from a 2.25 petrol what did you do about the exhaust manifold?
Engine bolts straight to the box and uses the series 3 clutch. Fuel return, if i remember right comes from the filter but not sure on that, will check tomorrow after work for you
Sorry if it's a thread jack!
I have a series 3 2.25 diesel, which is tired and slow, I'm wondering how hard is the conversion, can I literally take the old one out, use the original radiator, engine mounts, fuel lines, electrics and all be ok? (I've heard some say move the battery tray, and one engine mount?)
Also what performance differance is there ?
What's insurance like ?
Rad stays the same, you have to move one mount which is easy to do if you can get someone to weld for you. You need a switch for the solenoid on the pump but otherwise is the same as 2.25. Battery tray needs moving forward an inch or so, some say you have to fit it under the passenger seat but you dont, it will fit nicely under the bonnet still.

8hp makes a suprising difference, its still slow to accelarate but its easier to live with.

Insurance is the same as standard (well it is for me), insurance said power increase was so small in hp its not going to make a difference to costs

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