
Having taken delivery of another series 3 at the weekend, I've had a chance to look at it and find most of the issues. I am seeking some advice with some items because I don't know how to fix them.
RHJ38R image.png

  1. There are no keys. There is an ignition barrel. I've done some research about this, and have bought a new barrel and keys for it, but all the articles I can find say that in order to remove the old barrel, I need to turn it to position 1 so I can push the pin in.
    My best plan so far is to stick a screwdriver in the ignition barrel and turn it using that. Will this work? Is there something better I can use? Perhaps drill it out?
  2. Missing diesel pump. I have a spare one ready to go in, and know where to put it, the issue is timing. I know where the timing markers on the pump are, but the engine is a bigger challenge. The Haynes book says that on early engines there was a viewing window that could be removed on the flywheel housing to see timing markers, but I can't see one.
  3. Clutch pedal does not move too freely. Where should I apply large amounts of WD40 to get it moving again, or will I need to replace the master cylinder? At the moment when pushed down, it does not come back up without being lifted. I changed the spring, but that hasn't worked.
These are the only issues I'm stuck on (for now) but there are many more. I definitely have my work cut out for me here. Below is a full list of issues I have found so far.

  1. Doors need replacing due to excessive rust
  2. Bulkhead needs replacing because there are many rust holes in it
  3. Brakes have no pressure behind them, need a complete overhaul
  4. All the lights are missing
  5. No horn
  6. Exhaust clamp has rusted and fallen off. Exhaust resting on rear axle
  7. Tyres hold air, but not good for use.
  8. Blower pipe split, have removed and needs new one.
  9. Bonnet catch does not lock properly (spring gone)
There are probably more that haven't shown up yet because the engine hasn't started. It doesn't appear to be ceased, I can turn it by hand.
If anyone has any advice on the issues, that would be helpful.

Thanks :)
Best advice is ditch the Haynes and source a proper factory manual. Often come up on ebay for £20-40. Probably available to download off the net somewhere. Replace clutch and brake hydraulics in their entirety then you know you are starting from a good position.
Sounds like a quite large project you have there. good luck.

I think the key issue will be nothing compared to the other problems you mention
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