
New Member
The heaters are crap on my Series 3. The temperature isn't really the problem its that next to no air comes out of the vents. The levers on the side of the dash works from cold to hot and the other adjusts the air from the windscreen down to the footwells. I'm wondering if there are some flaps inside the dash and one of these has collapsed causing the problem?

How would I get to them if thats the case?

Have you checked the big "Elephants Trunk" tube running between the fan unit in the LH wing (assuming RHD) and the heater on the bulkhead. If that is adrift on either end you will never get a good air flow.
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Yep daves right the placcy trunk thingy on mine had fallen to bits, also check for manky old leaves and junk stuck in the pipes or blower.
Aww damn it! I've checked all of that and its fine :(

The motor is incredibly noisy, not sure why this is as I've had it off and it seems quite smooth. Anyway I've got a Dolomite 2 speed heater motor here that is the same design as the Landy one, so I'll fit that and see if that gives any improvement.

If its noisy then that suggests either the motors knacked, or perhaps there is something in the airstream preventing proper air flow, try poking around in the airways with something, like a bit of hosepipe, that'll not knacker the matrix.
Theres nothing blocking the air ways, I've had the trunking off and its clear, theres nothing in the way of the matrix, no blades missing from the fan, I've flushed the matrix clear. Still crap lol

The noise it makes is a very deep vibrating noise which travels through the whole cab. I'm wondering if theres some sort of rubber gromet that goes inbetween the motor and the wing which isnt there...
there is a foam type cowl which goes between unit and the wing, and that big tube from unit to matrix is a right fecking **** to get on properly:mad: i know because it was my job to fix ours as Hubs' hands were too big:rolleyes: do you get a good air flow on the passenger side and not on the drivers, i was getting good flow everywhere except drivers side windscreen, the little tube in behind the instrument panel had come adrift, i had to take the plastic liner out from the dash to get my hand in behind to put the tube back on, easy once the plastic trough was out the way;)

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