
New Member
Started kangaroo jumping today at low-mid revs. Any thoughts or advice? I've tried the usual method of that it may have some little piece of poo stuck in the carb jets and red lining it a bit, but not a massive result. If it continues after work tomorrow I'll just see what my local landy man has to say, but I'd like to sort it myself.
not any more - he has a noo beeaitch now - nelly. gurly that he is - he aint talkin to me either - i think i upset him :D

mind yu - Ratty has taken up the challenge.
Started kangaroo jumping today at low-mid revs. Any thoughts or advice? I've tried the usual method of that it may have some little piece of poo stuck in the carb jets and red lining it a bit, but not a massive result. If it continues after work tomorrow I'll just see what my local landy man has to say, but I'd like to sort it myself.

Checkout the fuel sediment bowl and gauze filter. I cleaned mine out recently and found half my rusting fuel tank in it:

Cheers, guys, I have however fixed it. Started it, ticking over a bit jumpyish, turned off, unplugged the HT leads and just blew on the plugs a bit, stuck em back on, perfect! Just a wobbly HT lead haha.
It's nice to know you all care anyway:D.
Checkout the fuel sediment bowl and gauze filter. I cleaned mine out recently and found half my rusting fuel tank in it:

That's normal, it's what the glass bowl is for. When the bowl is full and so solid you have to attack it with a screwdriver, it's time to do something.

Glad its fixed, just goes to show, again, check the simple things first!

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