
New Member
Hi all. Quick question.....Is there a right and a wrong way of fitting the 3rd/4th synchro on a series 3 gearbox, as one end of the internal splines are kind of cut back roughly ¼ inch? Which way round should it fit? Any info would be much appreciated. Cheers, Gareth
Hi all. Quick question.....Is there a right and a wrong way of fitting the 3rd/4th synchro on a series 3 gearbox, as one end of the internal splines are kind of cut back roughly ¼ inch? Which way round should it fit? Any info would be much appreciated. Cheers, Gareth

Which piece are we describing here?

Hi Charles,,,I'm talking about the whole 'pack' if you like, with the 3 flat springs (that my dad's mate eventually fitted!). My dad is outside putting box back together, but wants to know which way the whole synchroniser fits on the shaft cos apparently even though it looks symmetrical, its not? Cheers
It will only fit (as in FIT) one way round. Is there a big circlip thing to hold it onto the 3rd motion shaft? If so, that probably fits into the "hollow" end and to the FRONT of the assembly.

When it is on the shaft, with the selector hub centralised (neutral) when you shove it up the shaft towards the front to meet the 1st motion shaft (input gear) you should clearly see that it is either sitting right, or it is sitting WAY out of "equal spaced either side" when the next piece is fitted up to it.

I can't find my manual to get a line drawing for you ....


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