
New Member
Does anyone else have to live with the never ending irritant of non-landy type people always struggling to find the door handles in lift up doors?

Im caught wondering if there is a soloution, Im tempted to try and work out a mechanism to move the handle further forward?
Does anyone else have to live with the never ending irritant of non-landy type people always struggling to find the door handles in lift up doors?

Im caught wondering if there is a soloution, Im tempted to try and work out a mechanism to move the handle further forward?

I find they tend to remember after the 1st time catching there skirt/jacket/belt on the handle on the way out :D
I've never seen a Land Rover with lift up doors :p

Could you just extend the handle by a good few inches to make it easier to find?
sat at the lights over here mid afternoon some ****ed up #### got in me series and sort of gurgled come on lets get going ..............what yer mental fukker get out of my motor lets just get going i need taking to bokkas house ........:confused:........i drove round the corner into a public carpark and just said loud clear and stern

i wasnt asking i was tellin get the #### out of my motor DICKHEAD :mad:

he then came to his senses and started trying to find the door handle panicking he manages to open the door and i couldnt resist

swung me leg round and booted the fukker clean out the door leant over pulled the door shut and ####ed off quick :p
After putting new seals on mine no-one can shut the buggers either....and why is it so difficult to understand the simple idea of turning a handle - like most house doors instead of trying to pull it towards you...

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