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I have a series ? 109 diesel land rover on v5 it says declared manufactured 1970. It's also says date of first registration 01/11/1985. It says 2249cc heavy oil. Chassis number starts 251 an ends with a G. When I search this on internet it says it's a series 2a 109 petrol. Is it a 2a or 3 as it has the padded dash with dials behind steering wheel. It has a H registration plate. Is this variation on things usual on land rovers. Should I be concerned by this?
those more knowledgeable than I will be along soon but in the meantime are you sure it's not ex military as that would explain the late reg date.
Diesel not petrol could be result of later conversion, some manufacturer variation common, especially during "crossover" year/s.
Above all don't worry, if it matches the V5C all good [ie model and fuel] not exactly matching vin de-code less of an issue - good luck
Take it to a local rivet counters day. They love to wander around a field talking whitworth overhead underhang and the like.
After half a dozen of them ooze over every thousandths of an inch of it they will probably come to twenty or so definitive answers, one being almost right.
On the other hand it might just have had a hard ruddy life and had the odd lump replaced as bits fell off. Try to identify the chassis by type, then the axles and finally the other big bits. If its anything like mine then most of it will have been messed with over the years.
It could have been military, a quarry vehicle etc. Lots of em worked off road before being registered.
In fact a pall of mine many years ago was stopped for a fuel check in his and after an exhaust swab they said it had been run on red diesel. It took him for ever to convince them it had been a quarry vehicle for its first 10 years. Luckily he knew its history as he had bought it from the quarry owner.
X1 on the history. It nevertheless sounds genuine. 1970 would make it a 2a but it's S3 spec. Does it have older style door hinges, non servo brakes, a swiggly main gear stick, or any other non S3 feature?
those more knowledgeable than I will be along soon but in the meantime are you sure it's not ex military as that would explain the late reg date.
Diesel not petrol could be result of later conversion, some manufacturer variation common, especially during "crossover" year/s.
Above all don't worry, if it matches the V5C all good [ie model and fuel] not exactly matching vin de-code less of an issue - good luck
I have no history on it apart from what previous owner says, he was told when he purchased it that it was used on an RAF base hence late registration. Just trying to find out what i have. Thanks for your reply
X1 on the history. It nevertheless sounds genuine. 1970 would make it a 2a but it's S3 spec. Does it have older style door hinges, non servo brakes, a swiggly main gear stick, or any other non S3 feature?
it has new style door hinges, servo brakes. plate stuck on bulkhead inside cab says series 2a but everything points to it being series 3 even though date of manufacture is 1970. were some s3 made in 1970?
Series 3 109 chassis rails made from two pressed halves joined along the center of the top and bottom of rail. Series 2a made from four panels joined on the corners.If I remember right.

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