
New Member
I have just got the point during my concourse rebuild where I need to rebuild the new. Where do I start, the sides and bottom lip if the tail gate are not pretty, and the rear panels have had great big holes cut in them. I have been looking online for a new one but to no avail. Can anyone put me on the straight and narrow??

Pics to follow.......

You will hard pressed to find a "concorse" condition tub. I think you have three choices.

1. Fix your tub
2. Make a new tub
3. scrap a second 2/2a for its tub (Shame)

Try contacting Dunsfold for the first two options.
isnt a concourse landrover a contradiction in terms? :rolleyes:

you tried looking for a rotten out series with a ok tub?
this is only an idea and suggestion why the hell not get a deffender 110 tub in decent condition and either pillage it for pannels to repair yours or shorten it to suit with the helpfull video coverage of a 4x4 is born wich is o youtube i would put up a link but im useing a clapped out 15 yr old laptop and its slow as fook
would love to see some pics of this rebuild and any talk threws of taking apart putting back or fixing would be great...
would love to see some pics of this rebuild and any talk threws of taking apart putting back or fixing would be great...

If your all interested and this scheme of mine works out i could be ending up shortening a deffender 110 tub to fit a series 2 if anyone is interested in how to do this let me know now so i can get me missus at it with the camera while i do the shortening performance and ill put it up as a thread during me resto project
followed by a video of paint drying as the sequel ?

i take it youve been there done that worn the t shirt and still supping fookin tea from the souvernier mug then sean or is this just another pathetic attempt to get on my goat here when im attempting to be serious about something im going to attempt and if it works could help others on here

if you aint got anything constructive to say to me or anyone else on here then keep yer fingers still fella and no im not taking it personally or to heart i just think comments like that should be kept to the anything goes section
If your all interested and this scheme of mine works out i could be ending up shortening a deffender 110 tub to fit a series 2 if anyone is interested in how to do this let me know now so i can get me missus at it with the camera while i do the shortening performance and ill put it up as a thread during me resto project
I am interested because the back mounting plates of my restoration S2a/3 are corroded.
I am interested because the back mounting plates of my restoration S2a/3 are corroded.
then ill do it because its not just another feather in me cap i will have actuallyhelped someone else out with a related problem and cheers for the heads up as youve mentioned something that i havent thought of but ill probably show how to make new ones in the process :D:D:D
then ill do it because its not just another feather in me cap i will have actuallyhelped someone else out with a related problem and cheers for the heads up as youve mentioned something that i havent thought of but ill probably show how to make new ones in the process :D:D:D
Lookin forward to the fred when posted Johnny.:)
Lookin forward to the fred when posted Johnny.:)

don't hold your breath

however if i am proven wrong, and he does finally produce something genuinely useful or helpful I will donate £50 to the charity of his choice

come on JC prove me wrong
don't hold your breath

however if i am proven wrong, and he does finally produce something genuinely useful or helpful I will donate £50 to the charity of his choice

come on JC prove me wrong

just what is yer problem with me my life isnt abbout proveing a point or haveing to justify my evry move to people like you its abbout learning things in my own way at my own pace and shareing my hard learned lessons with others that have yet to do what i will do when i get me series 2 next weekend and i will put a thread up about how i did it useing methods i have learned from coach builders mechanics and engineers who tought me while they were retired such as me great uncle who tought me to gas weld while he was 87 yrs old

just remember this message when i do and get yer 50 niccer out fer the christies cancer appeal since most of my knowledge comes from true craftsmen who have all been taken by the big C
Thats fightin talk in my book. Take yer time Johnny, do it in yer own pace and if it comes up good, fair and well.:)

its ok mate sean has dogged me with snide little pathetic comments like this since i joined this forum why he keeps up this keyboard warrior front is totally beyond me

i just hope the kind landyzoner that offered me this project comes out of hospital ok ( minor opp ) and all goes to plan but till hes recovered enough i aint got a clue where he is or what state its in or whats missing all i know is its a running chassis with a pair of series doors and that ill need to convert a deffender tub to suit so mi might go the whole 9 yards with it

although ive rebuilt many old and practical classics in the past this will be me first classic landy
good luck with your project JC - I hope something comes of all this talk

take that comment as you will .........

you might care to remind folks what a dick you were when you first joined this forum, I'm no keyboard warrior, I'd be more than happy to fend you off if you felt the need to fight me

got any pictures of your previous projects ?

peace not war eh

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