
Hello all, I wonder if anyone has a photo/parts diagram of 2.25 petrol oil filter assembly, I ordered a filter RTC3184 but the top/bottom holes are too large for the rod & couple of washers in mine to hold it in an oil tight position. I have looked on the web but cant find anyone selling the correct sized washers/seals (if anyone knows where to get them please let me know) so looks like I will have to make them on the lathe. But I need sizes so any pics showing your oil assembly internals used to hold the RTC3184 would be gratefully recieved. see att pic of what I have inside of mine. What should I have as opposed to whats there?

Right this is the long early/diesel one but i think it's all the same parts just a different length
Hello all, I wonder if anyone has a photo/parts diagram of 2.25 petrol oil filter assembly, I ordered a filter RTC3184 but the top/bottom holes are too large for the rod & couple of washers in mine to hold it in an oil tight position. I have looked on the web but cant find anyone selling the correct sized washers/seals (if anyone knows where to get them please let me know) so looks like I will have to make them on the lathe. But I need sizes so any pics showing your oil assembly internals used to hold the RTC3184 would be gratefully recieved. see att pic of what I have inside of mine. What should I have as opposed to whats there?

View attachment 299945
That is a short oil filter assembly, as found on petrol Series.
And it is complete, apart from the rubber seal under the head of the bolt has been replaced with a much smaller O ring.
You need to get a nitrile rubber O ring about the right size, I should think about 6mm internal diameter. It doesn't have to be that exact, as the special head of the bolt crushes it into shape.

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