
New Member
Found out the problem with my Landy :)

Head cracked! :(

How this happened, still trying to determine! First thoughts, water shortage, but cetainly not in the last 18mths or so.

It's done less than 2,000 miles since the head was skimmed (supposedly crack and pressure tested) and replaced with new gasket!

Any thoughts most helpful, cheers and I hope your all having better luck.
If you are local to Kent, and your engine is a 2 1/4 diesel...

I have a spare head (good one) you can have, its cluttering my garage.

Many thanks for your replies, help and offers.

When the head had problems before, it was taken to a garage recommended by a friend and the RAC. So I can only assume, it was done correctly, Bushmills did the head.

According to the service history, no head problems in the past, in fact overhauled in 2000 when the whole engine was done. It's belt driven.

She's at Keith Gotts now, at least she'll be right after this. But I'll be showing the head to the last mechanics.

Thanks again, Mark
change ya cp to show where yu are based. Yu say Keith Gotts - so I assume yu are in the Alton area? There are few of us locally to you:D

Thx, done. Good to see more real landy owners in the area, I excuse the puddle jumpers in my local Tesco's car park. :)
Heads can crack when the head gasket goes, so this one could of fractured a while ago and has just split open now.

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