The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Just to give you a bit of advance warning. Adz has cordially invited the Tossers to see a section of the Kent Countryside.

Date TBA
You are a bit keen Running Rich! So, you planning to accompany us in t'Dibnah to Kent then?

If you've the cornfidance I'll drive down at a snails pace wiv fact we may all ban you frum our cabs just so ya gotta!
You got any areas in particular planned oot???
I'd have to meet up with a few of ya, being my neck 'o' the woods an all.

You got any areas in particular planned oot???
I'd have to meet up with a few of ya, being my neck 'o' the woods an all.


We're always welcoming to additional TOSSERS so long as they buy the furst beer, by which I mean we ain't proud. Keep an eye on the fred for updates. Adz has a plan for one seriously long Kent laning trip so wiv luck and a fair wind that'll be our September trip. ;)
You got any areas in particular planned oot???
I'd have to meet up with a few of ya, being my neck 'o' the woods an all.


Yup - got the majority of it 'planned' - going to speak to the ROW team at KCC before I publish it, make sure there's no TRO's and that my maps are up to date enough (should feckin' be as I've only just bought noo ones).

Suffice to say, if we do manage everything on me list we'll have gone from just South of Cobham to the West of Rochester, to just North of Ashford. As this takes in a fair bit of the North Downs Way and Pilgrims Way, I'm expecting a fair amount of it to be surfaced and not very challenging. The Cats Mount and the first lane of the day just to the South of Cobham should more than make up for it I hope.

Where in Kent are you Ade?
Doubt it, wuz planned fer the end of August but getting the new chassis will spin things out a bit more. I've got a fortnight off in August to sort it, so If it all goes well who knows.
Not as far as I know... I can do more or less any weekend given a little notice.
Watchya Adz
I'm in Maidstone.
We have a very long stretch of Pilgrims way open now all the way from Hollingbourne to charing. The TRO at Lenham has now been lifted as have a couple of others on the top of the downs.

All of those lanes between Lenham & Charing are very tight and scratchy, great laugh though.

Not sure if you know Buttonmonkey on a few of the other forums but he's in constant talks with the KCC byways bloke and has managed to get a few good stretches open. He's got most of the Kent lanes marked on his maps if you want to meet up when he gets back from his holidays.

Maidstones just down the road from me - I'll be going to check out some bits of the route next weekend if you're up for it?
Shouldn't be a problem, tell me what day you're planning it for and I'll see if I can get a sitter. (I look after my son full time)
Sorry Ade, it's not going to happen this weekend - loads of other stuff I've got to do at home.

I'll let you know as soon as I've got an idea meself.

Sundays in September are........


I cant do the w/e of the 2nd or the 16th. Wot dates can yu other TOSSERS do?

as your local you may already know this link. It's sort of up to date but as we found out on Saturday it's best checking all the routes.

Anyhow here's the link to the kent definitive ish map

Best guy to try to speak to is Ian Hayes on 01233 820797 but he needs path numbers to answer questions.

If you zoom in on the map in the above link and choose the "select a feature" then click on the byway it will give you the number.

Cheers bloke... bit busy working atm to do much about this... next week should see a bit more organisation and a lot less work ;)
Yeah, later in the month should keep the wooly hats away.

We went oot last week and there were way too many!!
1 didn't even wanna get out the way

Oh and we met a young girl on a horse on a stretch narrower than my motor, if it's wet or cold they'll stay at home watchin' Last of the summer wine!!


Adz, how was Detling? did you go?

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