right lads and lasses

heres a topic all close to ur hearts fae wot ive read today, fuel prices are out of control and something needs to be done, now i read all you good folks argue and find faults wi the other boys point, but never read anyone makin another suggestion, so nows your chance to show everyone how ur thoughts r any better than his

take it away
I dun't geddit. Ow come doozle was 93.9p a coupla months ago then the government added 5p a litre to tax on it and now it's 109.9? Barrel prices ain't changed, so where's the extra 10p coming from? Do the tealeavin scabby supermarkets use a 5 p tax hike to add another 10p to the cost and think we're mug enough to blame the government for it???
just out of curiosity, does anyone know how much veg oil was before people started using it in diesels, because ive a funny feeling since then it will have went up just a tad mare than the 2% inflation every year or wot ever it is
wot a joke
this is what were up against, how can we win?

If you can't win you should at least stay on your feet long enough that the one's beating the **** out of you think twice before having another go.

The point that is coming out is a simple one and a basic law of economics, Supply and Demand if supply exceeds demand prices drop if demand exceeds supply prices rise. and that doesn't just apply to oil.
I think we should all bow our heads and pray to the good lord Jesus H Christ for the oil finders to find a groovy supply so we can all have all the oil we want
If you can't win you should at least stay on your feet long enough that the one's beating the **** out of you think twice before having another go.

The point that is coming out is a simple one and a basic law of economics, Supply and Demand if supply exceeds demand prices drop if demand exceeds supply prices rise. and that doesn't just apply to oil.

the oil companies arent daft, they hold back the oil when the prices are low and sell when the prices are high, wydos
I think we should all bow our heads and pray to the good lord Jesus H Christ for the oil finders to find a groovy supply so we can all have all the oil we want

well until someone invents a car that runs off water or garbage then its up to us to do something about it, i dont see a lot of suggestions coming through, so sad :(
well until someone invents a car that runs off water or garbage then its up to us to do something about it, i dont see a lot of suggestions coming through, so sad :(

WTF do you expect if we had the answers we wunt be sat here wondering what todo we'd be getting paid megabucks to sit on the board of some Quango or oil company.

Oil is running out, Demand especially from India and China is rocketing, the western world's economy is faltering in the face of cheap Indo/Chinese competion and the US is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. The price of oil is only going one way and that is UP
i dont see a lot of suggestions coming through, so sad :(

that's because people have better things to do,

i'm not keen on the fact it allways rains when i have something to do outside - but i can cope with it

i don't like the fact that all the traffic lights change to red when i am in a hurry - but i can cope with it

i don't like the fact that me dog has just eaten the remote control fer the sky box, after having eaten me 2 week old mobile yesterday

why do i put up with these things ? - yep you've guessed it, better things to do